Subject: Libelle Update - 11 June 99
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 07:20:12 -0600
"Yvonne C. Allen"
Charles Ramcharan
Rosi and Jim didn't call me last night. :-( But they did call Matt (my
brother), this morning. Since I talked to him last night, we was able
to send regards from everyone in a general way from everyone. I will
try to fax them this morning with everyone's emails. Matt put together
the following info from his conversation:
The boat people called me this morning. I talked to Rosi and Jim at
about 6:30 am CDT. They were on the way to the market and then oh,
well... They had gotten Yvonne's package and another, I think. I sent
a package on the 25th of May that they have not seen yet.
Rosi was telling me about how they had nearly burned up the motor
crossing some cold water eddy. I'm not sure how that works, but they
were motoring at six knots and the GPS was showing them losing ground.
The weather was bad at that time also. She also said that as you start
your sailing trip, you only throwup for one day, then your used to the
I tried to convince them that they should get on the internet. They
said it would cost five dollars an hour for this; I thought that was
far better than paying for many phone calls. Please urge them to get
on email if you talk to them. I think they need to see their web site
and communicate to us by email. Communications will be much cheaper
for them if they are on the web.
It's fun to think of them being on the islands. It has been fun to
think of them on the boat. It a big ocean out there. I look forward
to hearing stories, but can't think of a way of doing that without
pleasing all AT&T shareholders.
Alles Gouda,