Subject: Libelle Update - 13 May 99
Date: Thu, 13 May 1999 14:32:31 -0600
"Yvonne C. Allen"
Charles Ramcharan
Here's the latest from Mary and Wally:
Wally talked to Peter yesterday afternoon (Wed - 12 May). He didn't
bother to update coordinates since we had them from the morning
check-in. He said they make water with a machine when they make
***** Also, they are happy to receive any questions from people*****
(if you send questions to me, Yvonne, I would be happy to pass them
along to the hams)
Wally could not hear Peter this morning, but another operator here in
Kenosha did hear him and called with this information:
Wally could hear him this afternoon and received the following from
As they say "Alles Gouda",
Latitude 35 degrees, 33.9 min north
Longitude 67 degrees, 43.3 min west
244 nautical miles northwest of Bermuda
"We have a wind powered auto pilot (a wind vane) so we rarely steer.
All is well.
Variable weather - showers occasionally. Our distance to go is 1872
nautical miles. Direction is 73 degrees. Headed for island called
Horta (This is one of the islands in the Azores). Thanks to radio
amateurs for help"