Subject: Libelle Update - 29 and 30 May 1999
Date: Sun, 30 May 1999 16:03:44 -0600
"Yvonne C. Allen"
Charles Ramcharan
Hi Folks,
No I haven't forgotten y'all out there. Just received word from San
Rotter about contacts this weekend. San heard Peter very weakly on
Saturday am but could not get coordinates. They switched to morse code
(CW), but they could not get anything because there is a big CW contest
this weekend and traffic on the appropriate bands was very heavy. San
heard Pete this morning at the regular check in time but again could not
get coordinates - neither by voice nor CW. San is/will be trying to
enlist another ham in Florida (Mike Dwyer WB9EKT) to see if he can't
make better contact. At any rate, San thinks we might have better
contact after the long weekend.
I will certainly keep everyone posted if/when we receive more news.
Hope everyone is having/had a nice vacation! (Unfortunately, LSU
faculty and staff do not get the Memorial Day holiday - we do, however
get Mardi Gras free - I guess the priorities are a little different
Alles Gouda,