Subject: Libelle Update - 2 June 1999
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 13:01:29 -0600
"Yvonne C. Allen"
Paul Herzog
Hi Folks,
So far, I have only heard from the "Caribbean Connection" (Trudi Smyth
in Barbados). She got the following from position Libelle today:
She also gave me the following background about her "maritime net" :
I have been running the Transatlantic Maritime Net for some years now.
She indicated that she will be willing to email me with a position
if/when she is able to get a connection with Libelle. We look forward
to getting additional reports from Trudi!
Today (1300 UTC or 8:00 CDT) at Lat: 37.31 north, Long: 40.44 west, No
Wind, all ok.
She also indicated that she thinks that Peter has regular communication
with Herb (the weather guy - see email on 17 May 99).
meet every day at 13.00 UTC on 21.400Mhz, for the purpose of keeping in
touch with small vessels at sea, usually crossing the Atlantic in