How massage directly affects each system of the body: Circulatory System: improves the circulation of the blood throughout the body, increasing oxygen and nutrients levels to all cells, tissues and organs. Helps remove metabolic waste and can be beneficial in decreasing blood pressure. Digestive System: aids in relaxing the abdominal and intestinal muscles and improves function. Stimulates the liver and kidneys and helps alleviate faulty elimination Lymphatic System: helps increase lymph circulation, aids in the elimination of metabolic wastes, and stimulates the immune system Muscular System: stimulates and tones muscles and joints, and strengthens connective tissues. Aids in relaxation, relieves fatigue, and provides relief from muscle spasms Nervous System: increases blood supply to the nerves and brain. Stimulates motor nerve points, alleviates stress and tension, and promotes a sense of well-being Skin: increases the supply of blood to the skin, nourishing tissues. Improves skin tone and helps keep the sebaceous (oil) glands functioning normally How Massage helps to relieve stress: The stresses and strains of modern life have given massage new recognition and acceptance as part of an overall beneficial plan for maintaining your good health. It assists you in creating true relaxation, before stress becomes chronic and damaging. Therefore, maintaining your body in good health can enhance your ability to enjoy, cope with, and understand life, as well as increase your personal energy and vitality. Receiving massage or body work on a regular basis has proven to be beneficial in the reduction of stress. Once a week is optimal. A biweekly or monthly regimen will accomplish a satisfactory level of stress reduction. The tremendous benefits derived from regularly scheduled massage far outweigh and easily justify the investment of time and money. The relationship of stress and illness is of interest to anyone maintaining their health. We all have stress in our daily lives relating to work, family, environment, society. Mental tensions, frustrations, and insecurity are among the most damaging. Stress causes the release of hormones that create vasoconstriction--vessel shrinking-- resulting in reduced circulation. Affected bystress, the heart works harder, breathing becomes rapid and shallow, and digestion slows. Every body process is degraded. Psychosomatic studies show how stress factors can cause migraines, peptic ulcers, hypertension, depression, etc. Soothing and relaxing massage can help by counteracting stress effects. Massage has a definite psychological effect. Since massage animates the tactile sense, the body's primary sense, it brings people into the here and now and away from tension generated by constant preoccupation with problems. Also, the loosening of muscle tension or armoring can lead to the freeing of repressed emotions. People who use massage as a healing tool realize quickly that they have found a form of drugless therapy. Headaches, insomnia, constipation, and minor aches and pains are often alleviated. Massage can have a spectacular effect on nervous people who have been dependent on their pharmacy for rest and relaxation. |