The dumbest cat of all is my cat: Chumunga FluffyButt Yano.
Chumunga weighs 13lbs and is very beautiful - which is just as well -
as he is a total toad. He likes to:
- Lick his bottom
- Puke up a furball at least once a week
- Murder anything that moves outside, and
- Drop huge amounts of fur.
Just recently he has got huge furknots on his backlegs and so he has to mince around
everywhere and when we try to hold him down and cut the knots off
he growls like a bear and scratches us. |
This guy is called Billy and is from the Southern States.
He looks like all he needs is a remote control, a Bud and a bag of spits.
This is not a dumb cat - this is a very clever cat.
He just looks sort of silly. I got this picture from a web page on toilet training
kitties. I can't find the URL so if this is your kitty
- please send me the address and I will link to it.
He looks like he is concentrating very hard. |
This is Duncan - he is a Scottish Fold cat.
I don't know why he looks so stunned but I hope he gets over it soon.
And he is a very pretty little boy too.
I think this guy - Woody - is doing Yoga.
That or he just fell off the couch.
Isn't he a bunnykins?