Nova Scotia  | Wolves

Paul's Place

Some of my Favorite Music

   Sarah McLachlan


Visit my new Sarah McLachlan page at:

I believe there is a distance I have wandered to touch apon.. The years of reaching out, and reaching in Holding out, holding in.

- From Sarah McLachlan; Solace



Tori is one of my favorite artist, I Can listen to one of her CD's for hours, each time finding something new. Tori seems to be able to reach people, not just the music for its sake, but people seem to find solace in her music for many troubles.

If you have not listened to her music before i would recommend it!

These tears i've cried, I've cried 1000 oceans and if it seems i'm floating in the darkness..

- From Tori amos; To Venus and back


   More Music Picks

Natalie Merchant
The Tragically hip
Cowboy Junkies
Amanda Marshall
Jan Arden
Great Big Sea
Natalie MacMaster


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Nova Scotia  | Wolves