This page contains all the doubts my friends have raised with respect to my home page .....

      The most frequently asked question is Why do I call myself Alusing ?

        Well it is a long story. We had a training programme in Oracle at ICM Vashi for
            SYSTEM personnel in 1995. In the UNIX server we had to Identify each PC with the user.
            So Mr. M. Arpit (marpit to his friends) started giving names. Sharad became Sher Khan
            and I became Alu Singh. I liked the new pet name so I merged both the words
            and dropped the "h" in the singh and became "alusing"

         How did I get time to do all these things ???

          Being the first person in the department to work in this area, I had no one for guidance
               and hence needed a lot of time to pick things up. I used to spend two to three hours daily
               during September - November 1997.

       Why is there no improvement on your Homepage now-a-days ??

            I Know, I know, the problem is that I don't get time now a days. In fact I could not find
                time to  do a decent job on my Goa Trip. Infact I have been on 3 other beautiful treks in the monsoon of 1998
  which I hope to put up soon. I am also planning to have frames on
            My Home Page. Lets see...  When ever I get time.

Any other questions ???? U ask me ...

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