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The Effects of Pulp Mill Effluent on

Byssal Thread Production by the

Marine Blue Mussel Mytilus edulis


by Waterose


Section 3. Results

3.2 Byssal Thread Regeneration in Trial 2:

Table 1. Mass of Byssal Thread Regeneration by Blue Mussels after forty-eight hours at 8-12 degrees Celsius in Trial 2.
Solution Code (See Below) Mass (g) Boat and Threads Mass (g) Boat Mass (g) Threads Alive No. Dead No. Mass(g) Mean Regen Observations at 48 hours Spawning Behavior at 24 hours
Sea Water Control A 0.6093 0.6050 0.0880 5 0 0.01760 regrowth Yes-2
Treated Effluent B 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 5 0 0.00000 all sealed No
Untreated Effluent Dilution 0 C 0.6167 0.6156 0.0011 4 1 0.00275 one dead can't tell
Dilution 0.1 D 0.6117 0.5902 0.0215 3 2 0.00717 two dead Yes-lots
Dilution 0.01 E 0.6304 0.5973 0.0331 4 1 0.00828 one dead No
Dilution 0.001 F 0.6386 0.5889 0.0497 4 1 0.01240 one dead Yes-2
Dilution 0.0001 G 0.7142 0.6165 0.0977 5 0 0.01950 - No
Dilution 0.00001 H 0.6450 0.6091 0.0359 4 1 0.00898 one dead No
* Solution Codes:
A = Sea Water Control
B = Treated Effluent
C = Pure Untreated Effluent
D = 0.1 Untreated Effluent Dilution
E = 0.01 Untreated Effluent Dilution
F = 0.001 Untreated Effluent Dilution
G = 0.0001 Untreated Effluent Dilution
H = 0.00001 Untreated Effluent Dilution
These codes are applied throughout the report.

To Section 3. Results:


  1. Introduction:
  2. Procedure:
  3. Results:
  4. Discussion:
  5. Future Study:
  6. References:
  7. Appendix I. Trial 1:
  8. Postscript:


Mailemail Waterose

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