Individuals can help in conservation by becoming a member in any of
the following categories:
Corporate Member
A corporate member receives a limited edition 3' x 3' eagle
painting (without mounting and overseas shipping costs), free
copies of Haribon publications, and acknowledgement in the
Haribon Quarterly membership newsletter. (Fee: P35,000)
Sustaining Member
A sustaining member gets free copies of Haribon publications and
acknowledgement in the Haribon Quarterly. (Annual Fee: P2,000)
Regular Member
A regular member receives 4 issues of the Haribon quarterly and
free access to the library. (Annual Fee: P250 for local members,
P600/US$25 for overseas)
Student Member
A student member receives 2 issues of the membership newsletter
and has free access to the library. (annual fee: P100 for local