Hi! Welcome to GreenTara's Page.

This site is about lots of things, but it's partly about being in-between: between religions (Wicca and Buddhism), between community and family, between culture and conscience. The feelings associated with being in-between are wide and varied. Sometimes I feel stuck, and sometimes I feel totally free. Sometimes I feel like I'm all over the place, and sometimes I feel peaceful and centered. At any rate, I hope to show you a little of all my worlds. Welcome....

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To begin, meet my goddess, Green Tara:

Isn't She exquisite?!

My relationship with Tara has a lot to do with my being in-between religions. Tara is the Bodhisattva of Compassion, and is a prominent figure in Tibetan Buddhism. In her green manifestation, She embodies active compassion.
Om Tare Tuttare Ture Soha

She works well with me, even though my practice is basically Wiccan.

The description of my page is:

A site dedicated to nature spirituality,
spiritual activism, finding balance in life,
and peace to all people.
To those of you who have ventured here:
I wish you happiness today.

Here is some more Buddhist art:

Aren't they breathtaking? This is Sitasamvara (White Samvara) with his consort Vajravarahi. Many Tibetan and Mongolian Buddhist figures are shown in sexual union with their consorts. It is a representation of the dissolution of ego boundaries, of boundaries between people.

The union of sex and spirituality is a common theme in Tantric Buddhism. You see, the conceptual categories we create in our minds, through our upbringing and socialization, keep us apart from other people, but they also keep us from being integrated whole beings. By dissolving conceptual categories (i.e. sex as separate from spirituality), we become more integrated, whole and complete.

(By the way, the picture of Sitasamvara and Vajravarahi came from the Home Page of the San Francisco Asian Museum's Exhibit of Mongolian Art. The Green Tara came from Puntsog's Tara Page, which was wonderful; but be warned: I think it has disappeared!

I am the VERY proud recipient of the

NOTICE: Please read Daniel Quinn's Ishmael (c) 1992

This book is too wonderful to miss. It's one of the most powerful and important books I have ever read. Please, please read it, if you want to do anything good for the planet.
Read it today!!
To buy this book click on the book cover!

New! Visit Many Rhythms!

Click on the book icon to visit Many Rhythms, my online bookstore in association with Amazon.com. There you will find my favorite books and music, all of which you can purchase from Amazon.com. Just click on what you want, and you'll be linked immediately. Please feel free to browze around, and email me if you have a question about any of the books or CDs there. Thanks!

Visit My Worlds....

Community is EVERYTHING!!! Visit my Community Page to see my friends' websites, as well as meet my pets and find out about my other communities.

I am currently on an adventure with my partner, Bob, and my dog Hans! Click here to see how our trip is going in our RV, the Millennium Tortoise!

Interested in Wicca? Click on the pentacle to read more about it,
and what it means in my life.

Interested in Buddhism? Click the dorje below to find out my take on it.

Combine religions?? It's done, and frequently, I might add. On this page, I talk about how it came about that instead of choosing between two religions, I decided to blend them.

Free Tibet! To learn about Tibet's struggle for independence, and for links to other websites about Tibet, please click on the Tibetan flag below.

Visit my Poetry Page to read some of my original poetry. Hope you like it!

Speaking of being in-between:

Some need to pray to the sun at high noon
Some need to howl at the midwinter moon
Reborn and baptized in a moment of grace
We just need a break --
From the headlong race

This is a fine place
Shining face to face
Those bonfire lights in the mirror of sky
The space between wonder and why

--Neil Peart (Rush), "Between Sun and Moon" from Counterparts (c) 1994

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