The Botanical Garden occupy a square surface of 3,5 hectares and is situated in downtown of Strasbourg, 1 km from the cathedral and 2km from the river Rhin. It is in the old University quarter between the "Palais de l'Université" and the astronomical observatory. The entrance is on 28 Goethe street ,Arnold near the place Arnold. The Botanical Garden is opened all week except Saturday from 8 AM to 11.45AM and from 2PM to 5 PM, Sunday it is opened in the morning only. The entrance is free. |
The actual Botanical Garden was built between 1880 and 1884 by German authorities after annection of Alsace. The lake of the garden is the rest of a ditch. Before that the Botanical Garden was situated in the old town. In the actual garden there was one large greenhouse and a lot of small specialized greenhouses. Unfortunately, this remarkable ensemble was demolished in 1963. In 1967 Botanical istitut was built where the old greenhouse use to be. Not far a new greenhousewas built with a "serre froide"(greenhouse for plants which require warm winter and cool summer) and a "serre tropicale"(tropical greenhouse). At that time(1945-1969) the director of the garden was Doyen H.J Maresquelle . |
Tropical greenhouse occupy square of 366m\'b2 and it is a height 12m. Built in 1967, it was ultra-modern with glasses that get opaque when the temperature became too hot.
This greenhouse is probably the most interesting place in the botanical garden . There are a coffee tree, cocoa, banana tree, cotton, sugar cane, tree which leafs smell as 4 spices, forefather of Cactuces, grain tree,Cycade which are identical to plants which was on the ground per secondary era (oldest have age more than 200 years, while to a botanical garden only 100), "tree of the travellers" called so, because in his leafs always it is possible to find water, Pendanus with long prickly leafs and with trunk more widely above, than below, Mimosas sensitives for which the leafs add when someone touch it. And certainly it is impossible to forget Bamboo which has reached height 12m in 2 months. |
In the center of the greenhouse is the rock, constructed from the rests of an old greenhouse. His southern party is engaged by Bromeliaces and northern, shadow, is engaged by the ferns. Along the gallery is presented a collection of Sansevierias which show a good example of the adaptation to life in desert and collection of Commelinaces, showing a large version of these plants.
It is very a pity, that there are enough people who comes to the Botanical Garden and even don't know that it is possible to visit this greenhouse!!!
The round greenhouse is situated in the nord-east part of a garden. This unique that remained from old greenhouses of 1884. It was intended for the culture of a vast nenuphar, due to that it has received the German name Victoriahaus. In this greenhouse there was a pool 7 m in diameter in which water was heated up by independent boiler-room. During the second world war the pool has cracked and this crack isn't repaired till now. The pool, filled by ground, serves a moderate greenhouse. There are an orchids, from which Vanilla who fructify regularly if is pollinated, the carnivores from the sort of Nepenthes, a primitive plants without roots and leafs,identical to the most ancient plants on the ground.