- The Institute for Psychohistory
140 Riverside Drive New York, NY 10024-2605 tel/ fax: (212) 799-2294 email: psychhst@tiac.net
The Institute is a
scholarly research and publication institute chartered by the State of New
York as a not-for-profit educational corporation, the Association for
Psychohistory, Inc.
- "Digital Archive of
PSYCHOHISTORY Articles & Texts"
Eric Heimstadt's ongoing project for the preservation and dissemination of
psychohistorical texts, whose goal is to create a comprehensive
psychohistorical library. Now contains over one hundred articles and six
books pertaining to psychohistory, trauma model, prenatal and cultic
studies. Also features a full set of psychohistory-related web links.
- "The International
Psychohistorical Association and the Profession of Psychohistory"
by Henry Lawton.
- Robert B. McFarland, M.D.,
Chairman of the National Parenting Conference http//.bcn.boulder.co.us/~fells/parenting.html
, founder of The Parenting Place, and Contributing Editor to the Journal of
Psychohistory, and can be reached at 2300 Kalmia, Boulder, CO 80304.