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Hi! Welcome to Andrews main homepage!

Well, chances are that if you found this site then you already know who I am so I'm not about to waffle on in that department for too long. If you don't then suffice to say that my name is Andrew Broome and I live in Palmerston North, New Zealand.

I can be reached most effectively at however, if that fails, try

On this page you should (eventually) find out some more stuff about me and the things that interest me.

Basically, I'm a pretty boring person with only a few interests.

These can be summarised as...

Motorcycle stuff
Fish and Herps (Reptiles and Amphibians)
Carnivorous Plants

I keep a page currently focussed on my non-CP plant interests at:

Oxalis and other plants

Speaking of things that interest me, try checking out some of the following links...

Killifish are something that keeps me busy

American Killifish Association

I'm a member of the New Zealand Killifish Association (NZKA), check out our Web Page
I also maintain an electronic mailing list for killifish keepers in the southern hemisphere (aimed at New Zealand, Australia and South Africa but by no means restricted to those countries) known as AUNZZA. Check out our Web Page which is in need of updating.

For subscription information, e-mail me directly.

Go here to see some photos of my tanks and fish

Various Reptiles and Amphibians, most of which I'm unable to keep in NZ :(

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