Consolidated Transportation and Sprawl Crisis Calendar
October 1999

Neighborhood Beltway Rally
Saturday, October 2, 10:00am - 5:00pm
Knecht Park, Falls Church

On Saturday, October 2, 1999, The Neighborhood Beltway Campaign in conjunction with the Fairfax Coalition for Smarter Growth is sponsoring a "New Vision for the Beltway," family fundraising rally. The rally will be held at Knecht Park which is located in Falls Church on Shreve Road (off Lee Highway as you bear right into the residential area -- click here to view a map). The event will begin at 10:00 a.m. and end at approximately 5:00 p.m.

Approximately 2,000 attendees are expected throughout the course of the day. THIS IS NOT A POLITICAL RALLY, but it IS a way to bring information about many alternatives to handle our serious traffic congestion problems without destroying neighborhoods and parks and causing more environmental destruction.

A optional 10-mile family bicycle ride will begin at 9:30 am in Springfield, arriving in Knecht Park around 10:00 am. Live entertainment from 5-6 bands will be featured throughout the day. There will be plenty of food (including home made pastries and food from the Falls Church Farmers Market), non-alcoholic drinks, and activities for children. Exhibitors will include manufacturers of light-rail systems, Metrorail, Metrobus, Fairfax Connector, Fastran, and some environmental organizations.

Why are funds being raised? The Neighborhood Beltway Campaign (a grassroots coalition of neighbors -- regular folks who are fed up with the lack of local government leadership) are raising funds to conduct research, develop educational aterials, and fight large development interests.

Admission price is the purchase of a $10 T-shirt. Rain date is Oct 3. For more information call: 703-280-1719 or 703-698-0066.

Musical acts that have agreed to participate (in no particular order):

Silver Heels (Country Western)
The Grandsons (Rock)
Grace Grifith, Jody Marshall, & Paul Nahay (Folk/Celtic)
Dulcie Taylor (Folk)
Sanjay Mishra Quartet (Rock/World Music)

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