Hawaii Orchid Growers Association

This Page © Honolulu Orchid Society
and Hawaii Orchid Growers Association1998

Founded on the Big Island in 1995, the Hawaii Orchid Growers Association (HOGA) is now a state-wide, sixty-plus member non-profit organization representing commerical potted orchid producers. According to state Ag. Dept. statistics, potted orchids are the fastest growing segment of the nursery industry in Hawaii.

HOGA's activities of the last three years have included three conferences, an orchid show and sale, a growers' workshop, design and production of potted orchid-specific shipping boxes, importation of at-cost growers supplies, and several lively orchid auctions at which substantial funds were raised for HOGA's scholarship/research fund.

HOGA's long-range plans include another workshop focusing on deflasking and seedling culture, and on packing techniques; creating and producing new orchid hybrids for member-growers; and working toward establishing a state-of-the-art orchid lab to keep grower dollars in the state. HOGA's mission is to help its members enhance their position in the increasingly competitive global orchid trade.

Active membership in HOGA is available to growers with more than 5,000 square feet in potted orchid cultivation. The initiation fee is $100, with $50 annual dues thereafter. Benefits include a quarterly newsletter, access to at-cost supplies and HOGA shipping boxes, voting rights, HOGA's educational events, and inclusion in the widely disseminated HOGA Directory. HOGA also welcomes associate members, who need only have an interest in the orchid industry and $50 for their initiation fee (with $25 dues thereafter). Their benefits are the same as for active members, with the exception of voting rights. Student members are accepted at no charge.

On the Big Island, HOGA chapter meetings are held the first Thursday of each month (summer months excluded) at 12:30 p.m. at the Orchid Village restaurant in the Waiakea Villas complex, on the lovely banks of the Wailoa River. The Hilo Chapter meetings feature speakers and animated discussions of HOGA business.

For further information, or to join, please contact HOGA Executive Assistant Judy Schilling at (808) 966-4356 - phone/fax or use this site's email near the bottom of the main page.
