The Totally Official 'Pistil Whippers'
Budwood Wish List and Pollen Swap!
- posted 12-12-97: John Starnes,
breeder seeks cuttings of any Brownell Roses, plus the following pollens
(ideally during the month of June 1998): Easlea's Golden Rambler, R.
mulliganii, Copper Glow, Golden Glow, Fortune's Double Yellow, R.
laevigata,'Montecito Rose', R. gigantea, Rambling Rector, Doubloons.
- posted 12-14-97: Heather Campbell,
Wanted - cuttings from Gloire de Dijon. - If someone would like to trade,
I'll be happy to put together a list of what we have available.
- posted 01-14-97: Lee,
Need cuttings of HP Comtesse d'Oxford.
- posted 01-14-97: Julia Cooper, sdrose@cts.com
I'm a budding budding rosarian in San Diego. I'd like to get cuttings
of the following roses:
Crepe de Chine
Andrea Stelzer
Any help gladly appreciated.
- posted 08-29-98: Tony O.,
I have been looking for what was known as the 'Red' American beauty
about 25 to 30 years ago. It was grown as a medium to long stem cut flower
rose. Do you know of anyone who may have any growing that I may get a
start from? Thank you.
- posted 08-29-98:
I'd like to see if there are Madame Delbar cuttings, seeds, or whole bushes
out there.
- posted 10-29-98: Bob Byrnes
Interested in:
R. kordesii!!!, Golden Glow, , Easlea's Golden Rambler, Copper
Glow, Samaritan, Rugelda, Morden Ruby,
Suzanne, Louis Jolliet, Lambert Closse, Alchymist, Orange Everglow, King
Boreas, Doubloons, Old Fashioned Red,
Red Duchess, Sparkle, Tip Toes, Velvetier, Apricot Glow, Elegance, Golden
Pyramid, Peggy Ann Landon, White
Gold, White Cap, Anne Vanderbilt, Country Doctor and Pink
- posted 10-29-98: Pierre rutten
Looking for no spray roses budwood.
Teas: Duchesse de brabant, Francis Dubreuil, Sombreuil, Mrs BR Cant, Mrs
Dudley Cross, Safrano, Bon Silene.
Archiduke Charles (Chinas) and other OGR or later bred such as Basye's
and Belinda's Dream among them. Jeanne Lajoie
Old Van Fleet and Brownell's roses such as most wanted: Golden Glow,
Glenn Dale, Coral Creeper and Pink Princess, also Apricot Glow, Break'o
Day, Brownell's Yellow Rambler, Carpet of Gold, Copper Glow, Creeping
Everbloom, Golden Pyramid, Magic Carpet.
Species such as Setigera, Arvensis.