Our Virtual Garden


The pride and joy of the Environmental Club. We call it, "The Enchanted Garden".

Created only five years ago , our garden blooms to life every spring, through summer, and late autumn. With beautiful flowers that range from, Roses to the Bleeding Heart and Forget Me Nots and fresh-pesticide free-vegetables to even fruits. And now with our new pond, which was made in the summer of '98, we have a variety of wildlife such as fish, frogs, birds, squirels etc.

Explore the pages that we offer, and you will find yourself agreeing that our garden is a beauty!

Tip: Some of the notable flowers from our garden are full screen size (620x420), good to use in a screen saver. Look for the monitor icon and save the images.

Our garden is part of the City of New York Parks and Recreation

go higher!

Updated May 2000, by Evagelia Bakoulis