Jon's Roller Pigeon Loft

Performing Birmingham Rollers

Hello, and welcome to my roller loft.

Roller Pigeons are a performing breed developed in England for their ability to spin in backward summersaults while flying. These birds are flown in a group called a "kit" of around 20 birds. The kit should stay in a tight group, and preferably roll together. A good roller will spin 15 to 50 feet or more and then join back up with the kit. A loft is the structure in which pigeons are housed.

My breeding loft is built into a camping trailer. The obvious advantage to this is that it's portable. Also it was much easier, quicker and less expensive to buy the camper than to build a loft from scratch. The loft is divided into 3 compartments:

A community breeding section 8'x4' that holds 9 pairs.

Two 3'x30" sections for spare birds, or hens after the breeding season. Each of these will hold 10 birds.

The loft also has 6 individual breeding pens, a feed and storage room (formerly the bathroom) and a sink with counter space. I also left several base and upper cabinets for storing all of the necessary loft supplies.

Each of the larger sections has a 2'x3' flypen attached to allow the birds to get fresh air and sunlight.

Take a peek inside my breeding loft. I breed from around a dozen pairs. My origional breeding stock came from Don Oullette (World Cup Champ '95), Ron Moden, and Danny Horner (Richard Jaconette stock).

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Each nestbox is two feet wide, one foot high, and eighteen inches deep. This size allows plenty of room for two nest-bowls, and is large enough to lock the birds inside for pairing.

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NPA '93 760 Medium Tortoise Shell Cock

This bird is out of Richard Jaconette's famous "Black Rain" family of rollers. This first class spinner has produced many good youngsters for me, and is a very good father. I have had him paired to several different hens and am currently breeding his 1/2 sibling offspring together. The young off this bird are very good kitters, and love to fly.

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NPA '95 898 Bronze, White Flight Hen.

This is my new foundation hen, eventually all of my kit birds will have her in their pedegree. She was bred by Don Oullette. Both of her parents were in the '95 World Cup Champion Kit. I know that she is rather plain looking, but she was bred to roll, not for looks. She has produced recessive red, black, blue, and tortoise shell young. This hen is adding velocity and quality to my family of birds. She is truly one of the best.

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To learn more about breeding, training, and flying rollers...Please visit... Jon's Roller Pigeon Page

Look Up To Your Birds...Jon

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