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Taxonomy WebQuest #1




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Click HERE for a printable version of this webquest! 
Please limit your time to 25 minutes working on this assignment (if in class). If after 25 you are not finished, note where you are, let someone else on, and come back later to finish.
  1. Type in

  2. Click on "Links" and wait for it to load.

  3. Find the link entitled "The Old Biology 108 Home Page" and click on it.

  4. Click on "Classification Kingdom Concepts"

  5. What are the different kinds of kingdom classifications?

  6. How are they different?

  7. Click on "Back".

  8. Click on "Back". You should now be on the "Links" page again.

  9. Click on the link entitled "Schools of Taxonomy".

  10. What is Taxonomy?

  11. How are the 3 schools of taxonomy different?

  12. List at least 2 problems with each school of taxonomy.

  13. Jusfify one method of classification.

  14. Click on "Home". LEAVE THE COMPUTER ON.

  15. Turn in your paper in your folder.

© 1997,1998 Jason R. and Mr. P. Graham
This page last updated 4/30/98
