All sponsors like Safeway, Fred Meyers, Smith in California, Ray's Stores, McDonalds, Subway, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Arby's, and non-franchise businesses have also provided him with help in the food department all on individual based donations. Clothes were donated by Athlete's world stores also on an individual base sponsorship. Sheltering provided by Mother nature by Ramada, Best Western, Quality and Comfort Inns, and last but not least, Travel Lodge also individual motels not part of any franchise. Canadian Tire provided him with all his equipment needs to accomplish his journey. Also helped by Home Hardware and Pro Hardware who Michaël is very thankful. Not forgetting all the bike shops that have provided him with time, patients, and dedication to the good function of the most important tool on his journey, the bike. Who is presently supplied, complimentary wise by Bud-lite fishing team of Portland, Oregon. And by owner Steve Herman of Mid-Columbian Distributors located in Binjin, Wa. And special thanks to John B. Lewis who did the research for the Bud-Lite Bike by Cannondale. Also, special thanks go to The Old Ski House in Sault-St-Marie, Ont. As well as to Bill Parker of MBS (Mobile Bicycle Service) in Portland who says "Friends don't let friends ride junk." And to all those brave artists who donated a piece of their art which will be auctioned off in the near future to help those who need it most. Also, in Fort Bragg, I would like to thank Purity Supermarket, Milono, The Outdoor Store and the local Safeway. And to all those special friends who have came forward and contributed in any way to the good function of this journey and the good people he meets along the way who contribute information to his book which will be distributed to help those less fortunate.
Update of April 23, 1998: Would also like to thank Bob and Jo-Ann Holcomb of El Segundo for lodging during my stay in the Los Angeles area and very good food also Ted Hayes President and Founder at Justiceville Homeless U.S.A. Dome Village for outstanding work towards a better life in the world. God bless him. Sergeant Daryl R. Forinash #029501 Los Angeles Sheriff's Department for wonderful support and also from the rest of the crew and El Segundo Police and Fire Department. JTA, Jean and Patty Trebaol Income Diversification Culver City. Image Communications Albert Muniz and Associates in Lomita, California. Century 21 Olivia and Armando Gaestelum in Long Beach, California as well as Douglas Christensen Costa Azul Century 21 in Cabo San Lucas, BCS Mexico. The Pension de California in La Paz, BCS Mexico. Carlos'N Charlie's, Squid Roe, and Billygan's Restaurant and Beach Club in La Paz and Cabo San Lucas, B.C.S. Mexico. And also the Camacho Family for must needed repairs on my bicycle in Baja California. May God hold you in the middle of his palm. Thanks.
Sincerely yours, Michaël ChampagneNOTE: If you want to send a contribution to the tour you can send a check or money order to: