Chemical Hazard Community Watch

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This site is dedicated to Emergency Planning and the Community Right-to-Know Act.

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A guide to essential networked resources and links to inform and educate on issues of chemical hazards in our communities for neighborhood emergency preparedness.
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flashing light Under the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) Congress passed a law designed to help America's communities deal safely with the many chemical hazards that are used all across the United States. This law is called Emergency Planning and Community Right-to Know Act. The law has two main purposes 1.) to encourage and support emergency planning for responding to chemical accidents and 2.) to provide local government and the public with information about possible chemical hazards in their communities.The law establishes an on going forum at the local level (the city or county you live in) for discussion and a focus for action- the LEPC (Local Emergency Planning Committee). 

flashing lightAs a citizen, you now have the right to know about the chemicals in your community. You have the right to make your own informed decisions as to whether these chemicals are a threat to your health or environment. The more each of us learns about, understands, and participates in managing chemical hazards, the safer our communities will be for everyone. Working together through the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know program,together we may save some lives. 

flashing light My hope is that this website will inform and educate on the issues of chemical hazards in our communities and to keep you up to date with the things you have a right to know.

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[IVY LEAGUER]- [The Depot]
[Photography by w.t.liszka] [Health,Safety & Environment]

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Copyright 2006 by William T. Liszka. All rights reserved.
Web page design by William T. Liszka.