Wally Ross Home Page
Flying 35 years over the Rocky Mountains, with the North Road Racing Pigeon Society. Started out at a young age like most of us do with Fancy Pigeon. Once into racing pigeons. that was the hobby for me. The long distance races are what do it for me.I fly 100% the natural system over the years I had the privilege to fly against some great flyers like KEN MOORE, TOM SPRING, PEEMAN&SON, JOHN SLUYS, ROSS FRASER, DOUG BLACKSTOCK, NICK STEENBLOC, IVAN RUDAN and many more.My family of birds consists of birds from BARNEY WOOLLY, JIM BISS, TONY MELLUCCI (via Ken Moore), VAN REIL, MORRIS GORDON (originate from Ken Alstrand), JOE HENDRICKS (via Carl F.Blumensaat) best is mated to the best.Some line breeding all birds go to as many races as possible but are not usually clocked in the short end.Young birds are sent to all races up to 350 miles, and are also not clocked. Our race course is over the Rocky Mountains. It takes exceptional pigeons to be able to fly this course year in an year out.To inquire about our PIGEONS click here to E-mail us. yappy11@uniserve.comor call us at 1-(604)530-3950Also give some suggestions "PLEASE"Last day edited: 02/02/98This site maintained by: Jason MihalecE-mail: jmihalec@direct.ca