Finding Peace | Communications | Features | Members | Second Resource
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Finding Peace
Maharaji : Recordings of Prem Rawat's talks.

The Prem Rawat Foundation® : Advancing efforts to bring dignity, peace, and prosperity to the world.

Write to Maharaji : Send comments to Prem Rawat.

The Keys® : Borrow videos to guide the preparation process to receive Knowledge.

Elan Vital® : Promoting Prem Rawat's message.

Webcast : Videos of events with Prem Rawat.

Words of Peace : Disseminates Prem Rawat's message.

Mspeaks : Watch videos from events with Prem Rawat on your Web browser, iPhone, or iPod touch, soon after they happen.

Visions International® : Support for production of materials containing Prem Rawat's message.

California Connect® : Info about events and Prem Rawat's message.

Smart Card® : Apply for a Smart Card; an event credential for those who have received Knowledge.

Innerlink : Blog for news about Prem Rawat's events and travels.

US Info Connect® : Subscribe to receive info about events. Update contact info.

Connect North America : Supports volunteers involved in participation.

Contact Info : Local info, events, materials, FAQ.

Mailing List : Subscribe to receive info and materials about Prem Rawat and events.

Invitation List : Request invitations to events with Prem Rawat.

What Can You Do® : Volunteer opportunities (Local, international, & virtual).


Talk to me live if I'm logged in.
JavaScript must be enabled.
If your browser does not support frames,
click here to open live chat in a new window.

Echo Chamber
(By invitation only)
(Comments, questions)
Whispers (IM):
No registration required.
Whispers (IM):
Echo Chamber (Forum) registered users only.
Google Talk® (IM):
Must have or register a Gmail account. Program opens in a popout.
Everywhere Chat® (IM):
Embedded program.
Quiet Zone (IM):
Requires Java.
Second Resource:
A support page for Second Life® residents

RuneScape Links         RuneScape Transportation Guide
NOTE: As of November 2007, RuneScape pages are no longer being updated.

Gallery        Expressions (Wiki)

YouTube Favorites        Firebrand Favorites

Color Tables         Color Tool



Game Guides
Most guides have extensive formatting so they are provided in the .doc format and can be opened with Microsoft Word 2003. You can also open them with OpenOffice or NeoOffice (which can be downloaded for free) but note that some of the formatting will be a little off when using these programs.
Doc files, PDF files, and RTF files are all zipped.
Fish Fillets NG oficial downloads (game, manual, more)
Fish Fillets NG instruction manual (in PDF)
Fish Fillets NG walkthrough (in RTF)

Final Fantasy X: supplement to the official guide
The official guide is exhaustive but so is the game. This supplement has tips, charts, fighting strategies, and more, all cross-referenced to specific pages in the official guide.
Final Fantasy X2: supplement to the official guide

Resident Evil: Code: Veronica X walkthrough
Resident Evil 3: Nemesis walkthrough
Dino Crisis walkthrough

I also wrote guides for Resident Evil, RE2, Tomb Raider, TR2, TR3, and TR: Revelation. Unfortunately, I somehow managed to lose the files. Whimper.

Member Pages
Premliana WebMail
Connect: Start Page

Connect: Website Admin    Connect: Team Website

Connect: Email    Connect: Calendar    Connect: Docs

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Thanks to
Over The Rainbow PatsWebGraphics Patti's Themes

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