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12/26/99 15:57:13
Name: Victoria My URL: Visit Me
Favorite plant: Ferns How did you find this page?: A little bird told me.
What are you plant interests?: Just admiring them

I'm glad I finally got to see your page Frank. It's really cool. You've inspired me.

06/25/98 20:04:06
Name: Theresa Pascarella My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite plant: bonsai juniper
How did you find this page?: suite101 message What are you plant interests?: bonsais

Well, Frank, I made it! and I Love Vinnie! He is adorable! Thanks for reading my page/visiting my topic on Suite 101. Make sure you check out my upcoming articles..and look for updates on future contests that Shane Tully,(bird editor) and I are planning f r our readers. Hope to hear from you again...would love updates on Vinnie's progress! Thanks again. Theresa Pascarella, the Parrot Lady/Suite101

05/08/98 20:31:19
Name: Alan Grainger My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite plant: Rhododendron yakushimanum, amongst others
How did you find this page?: You told me about it What are you plant interests?: Alpines & Dwarf shrubs

Keep Up The Good Work. Alpines should take over the web and any site promoting their cultivation should be encouraged. I'll help where I can.

03/20/98 22:36:22
Name: carol hatch My URL:
My Email: Email Me Favorite plant: all of 'em
How did you find this page?: don cinnamon

liked your web site, frank. don c. gave me your web site address to check out. PUT SOME MORE PICTURES OF YOUR BEATIFUL PLANTS IN! carol hatch

03/16/98 16:59:27

Name: Tiger My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Meow
Favorite plant:
How did you find this page?: I saw my picture on TV... What are you plant interests?: chewing, digging

I'm hungry!
No matter how fast I am, I can't catch the mouse on the TV, even when he stands there nibbling on that chunck of cheese! Meeeow!

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