Friends of San Ignacio and the Sierra Student Coalition
do not endorse the banner shown above!

Generation Xers


This website is dedicated to various environmental issues in San Diego County and beyond. Please follow the one of the links below...

San Diego<BR> Sierra Student Coalition

SSC - San Diego focuses on environmental problems in San Diego, California, and beyond. We have great resources on endangered species, human rights, recycling, and global warming, as well as up-to-date action alerts!
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Friends of San Ignacio

Update: As of March 2, 2000 ESSA canceled their plans to build what would have been the world's largest salt mine at Laguna San Ignacio. Many thanks to everybody who helped, and congradulations!

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January 28, 1998

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Last updated 7/5/00

© 2000 Sherri Schelk

Greenribbon The Background Mold

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The Official Seal of The Phenomenal Women of the Web-Against Domestic Violence