Hi, everybody! Here's a list of comments from people who have signed my guestbook before. You're welcome to contribute to it by filling out the form below, too! Thanx!
BROOKELYN DUST [newo@netnico.net]
I was wondering if you could help me, i am very interested in
volunteering for field work projects for organizations like the sierra
club, but i do not know how to go about it , and i figured since you
are very involved already, maybe you or someone you know could help me out.
Denise Pollard [gemof83@hotmail.com]
I'm interested in starting a Sierra Club at my high school, and
I'm just trying to get some information at this point. Any feedback
would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! =)
Great site, very well done! I love seeing people worrying
about the important things and not just what to buy for themselves
next...keep up the good work.
Susan Hendrix [susan1@ckt.net] http://www.kid-channel.com
Great Page! Great Work! I am impressed. We have the common interest
of involving youth in Environmentalism and working toward a sustainablefuture.
My daughter is a young environmentalist. She is up for nomination as
Kellogg's next Amazing Kid for Earth Awareness. If you would like you
can vote for Samantha at http://www.amazing-kids.com/enter/index.html
Her's is the sixth one down this week. If you know someone else that
would like to vote for her please pass this on as her elementary school
- Winfield Scott in Fort Scott, Kansas has no internet ready computers
for their students. This would help them win one.
Thank you very much and I wish you the best of luck with your beautiful
and informative site!!!!!
Delsie Gandia [dmgan106@yahoo.com]
Hi! I'm trying to get people interested in doing illustrations of the
rise in sea levels on coastal areas (especially small islands). Please
see my web site:
If you are interested in doing one or several similar pages we could
form a web ring with our illustrations. It seems to me that it would
be a very effective way to demonstrate the effects of sea level rise.
If interested email me at dmgan106@yahoo.com.
Joel [felixjh@yahoo.com]
I commend you on your efforts and your website. I am a High
School Teacher and am currently the Vice President of Montana
Environmental Education Association. I am constantly trying to involve
our youth in creating an awareness for a sustainable future. Good Luck.
Mary Howard [mhoward@ixpres.com]
I'm very interested in starting a career in enviromental
protection (esp. ocean pollution). Any ideas on companies or groups in
the area, dealing with these issues that are looking to hire someone
with a B.S. in Marine Science? Great site and keep up the hard work!
Erik [Jedi001234@aol.com] http://members.xoom.com/netrunner
hey herbie...
i feel like i have to go out and recycle something. although i am not
an eco geek like you, i thought it was quite an impressive site.
-Erik Friedman
Dan Geary [dan_geary@msn.com]
Hi! A quick note to introduce myself...I represent the National
Environmental Trust in Nevada. I'm a part-time San Diegan and hoping
to get involved in the Global Warming Treaty activities in California.
Great Website...keep up the fight!!
James "Fitzilla" Fitzer (The Dirty Water Dog) [fitzo@san.rr.com] http://area5150.cjb.net
Hey, I thought I'd advertise my site again, with my new banner and addy.
-ummm... feel free to stop advertising any time soon... (jk) =;o)
Cheryl (James' Mom) [cheryls@san.rr.com] http://home.san.rr.com
Hello, very nice site. I am glad to see young people get involved with causes that mean something. Keep up the good work.
PS Be good to my son!
Scott Palachek [seabreeze28@juno.com]
I'm the founder of the Sierra Student Coalition of Pinellas CO. FL.. I'm just looking at all the other pages here on the SSC homepage. The new SSC Homepage will be up soon, and you can come to mine... One thing though, I don't belive in Guestbooks, I don't have one, and hopfully never will... See you later!
Woodsy [none]
Hey Enviro! I just stopped by to have a look at the great job you've been doing! Keep up the good work and I'll see you in Waveland soon!
Pedro (zurita) [manuelzu@mexred.net.mx]
Hola Sherri, quiero decirte que tu website es maravilloso, espero que sigas trabajando por el ambiente y que puedes pedirme ayuda cuando la necesites.
TRACI [Meeow2@aol.com]
Im in Atlanta, just wanted to see what you were up to out there in the west. Keep up the good work
Melissa F. [xfile_mel@hotmail.com]
Hey, Sherri! Just wanted to drop by and see what else you've done on this page. I'm still trying to get a link from our school page to here so more of the people from school can see it. There are some things that bothers me on this page but it's just design-wise. I won't tell you now (I'll just bother you at school). Keep up the good work!!!
Tori [beatlefreke@hotmail.com] http://geocities.datacellar.net/sunsetstrip/backstage/4489
hey, Sherri! you're site is so groovy! be sure to sign my guestbook you pot-smoking hippie (Dan, Trash, James..) N-E-WAYZ. I got another site up! of course it's with the Beatles. but it's at Tripod. see you at the veggie meeting or sometime at school!
luv ya bunches
Tori (your animal rights fighting partner in crime)
Kevin [brave@juno.com]
I have a bonner when I think about the rainforest
Kathleen Haase [kthaase@aol.com]
I have asthma, allergies, and a host of other health problems all related to the environment. I was not able to go out a lot because cigarette smoke bothered me so. Now that most places don't allow smoking, it makes it a lot easier. One small change like that can help people immensely. Just think what one big change would do to the quality of life for people with problems now to avoid problems in the future.
Lily Viola [momchez@aol.com]
3 members of our family signed the petition and we also sent letters to the Mexican Embassy and president, etc. My son recieved a response from Mexico, reassuring that when the salt processing plant is being built and functioning, the whole area, ecosystem, etc. will be even better than it is now. The material Mitsubishi is sending out reads like a fairy tale, too good to be believeable. Friends of San Ignacio need to keep current information out there.
Jason McWhirter [jmcw@rogers.wave.ca]
It's good to see people using what little spare time they have in todays' money society for the purpose of raising awareness... keep up the good work!
Cassie Grimm [algernonrp@aol.com]
hi there... just thought i'd say hi...so...umm...hi! oh... by the way... love the web page... very coolness!!
write me back someday
Georgie Leach [JorGLeach@aol.com]
Like the lavender. Stylish!
Love GL (PG)
Poe Junkie [lysithea@hotmail.com]
Hey! I'm one of those people who say they'll go to a SierraClub meeting and then doesn't show up (sorry). I may go sometime if I can clear up my Tuesdays (hopefully). Anyways, just dropping by... glad to see a page like this one. Keep up the great work!
Mrs. Fredrick [parkv@sdcoe.k12.ca.us]
This inquiry is from a very interested student named Lance Rosenberger. He would love to "interlink" with you!
Yasmin Stewart [yazdevil@aol.com]
I think you're doing a great job in protecting our earth. Keep up the great work and good luck!
Here's where you can add your comments to my guestbook! Since it doesn't update automatically, you won't see it right away, but come back soon and check it out 'cuz I'm constantly updating my pages!