Join Us!
Join Us
You've seen all the great activities and projects which the Sierra Student Coalition participates in. Now here's your chance to be part of the action! Besides contributing to one of the country's fastest growing and most effective student organizations, you also get:
- A subscription to Generation E, the SSC's newsletter, full of action opportunities, organizing advice, and articles on student activism
- Sierra, the Sierra Club's award-winning, colorful magazine
- A voice in running the SSC. We are a democratic, student-run organization and we strive to involve the participation of all of our members. We hold regular elections for seats on the Executive Committee, the SSC's decision-making body, and new members are especially encouraged to run and vote
- Outdoor opportunities. As a member, you'll be invited to local, national, and internatioal outings to some of the most beautiful places on earth
- Action opportunities. Each semester the SSC runs major national campaigns and dozens of local and regional projects that you'll have the chance to join...and lead. We can also help you develop a campaign around an issue that's important to you, help you with a project you're already working on, or act as a sounding board for your ideas
- Access to SierraLink, the SSC's electronic information system. SierraLink is filled with information on environmental issues, campaigns, and legislation
- The satisfaction of knowing you're on the front lines of the struggle to protect the earth, from the halls of Congress to your own neighborhood, with the Sierra Club
- Special Promo! If you join now, you can get a FREE t-shirt from SSC-San Diego! Just call or e-mail the chairperson, or show up at our next meeting!
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