Welcome to my Guestbook!

Dippiy Dumass - 11/25/00 04:09:42
My URL:http://URassholes
My Email:fuckyou.com
We should eradicate the lowest forms of life on earth. Yes, the animal activists. Having sex with small mammals has driven them crazy. They excessively masturbate until they brain deficate. They would make a good somalian hamburger.

victor the goat-boy - 11/09/00 19:45:51
Watershed location: somewhere deep in the ohlone nation, contra costa county, CA
greetings to all of comadres deep in the EF! move- ment. it is time for us to make a deeper committ- ment to the true goals of EF! since the days of dave foreman. there is to much talk about the theories of the movement and nothing but green rookies who espouse words that mean nothing. they only parrot the words of a generation that THEY did not grow up in. it must be understood that this is a movement dedicated to presevering what is left, it is not about a bunch of wanna-bees hanging out in a coffee-shop, talking about far left bullshit politics about the movement. it's about growing up and realising you are the movement. so you broke some windows at the WTO!!! that is just stuff about nothing. real men and women are at the front lines of this movement making it happen. that's our job being soliders for the cause, real people make real things happen and remember....HAYDUKE WILL ALWAYS ROCK!!!!

Beans Morocco - 10/31/00 20:01:18
My Email:purveyorofthebrutaltruth@darling.net
Save the planet...Kill yourselves. There is no other action you could take that would have such a positive effect on the earth. You are part of the problem; not the solution simply by continuing to draw upon resources and creating waste. Save the plan t. Kill yourselves. Now. Please...

Comrade Giuseppe - 10/22/00 21:07:57
My Email:redguard13224@yahoo.com
I'm going to get this to you right away!: no money
I'm a communist, but for just as long as I have been a communist, I have been an environmentalist and an animal rights activist. All issues are related, and, in the vast amjority of cases, the villains are the same people over and over again. I believe ih fighting in steps, and that freedom and rights for humanity is the first general step, but that doesn't mean we don't put some emphasis on the environment and animal rights. Solidarity! Revolutionaries of the World Unite!

Michael - 10/12/00 17:19:43
I have a suggestion . . . if you're reading this page, and want to "sign up" to join these people . . . instead . . . go to school . . . get a college education . . . learn about biology, ecology, economics, and take studies on humanity.
THEN . . . equipped with an education, you can earn money . . . and with that money . . . you can support RESPONSIBLE environmental campaigns, such as those that buy up land for preservation . . . and learn to support those state and government agencies t at monitor and ENCOURAGE HUNTING to ensure the BALANCE of ecosystems.
Zeal without knowledge and understanding is like trying to save the forests with a flame thrower . . . Zeal WITH knowledge is like a scalpel that will save the "lives" of our ecosystems.
And just a few more thoughts:
*** Before you condemn a logger, move out of your wooden house, and never enter another large building.
*** Before you condemn a hunter, become a vegan.
*** Before you throw paint on another individual's fur coat, take off your leather shoes.
*** Before you sit in a tree to stop a logger, consider the value that will be lost if you lose your life . . . you can now see that sitting in a tree will not bring about change . . . so . . . my friends . . . and I DO consider myself to ecologically con erned . . . pick the fight that can be won, and through your heart, your time, your money, and your effort behind those fights. But always do so by using your mind and good sense to achieve your end goal, rather than doing something just to make yourself feel good!

- 10/05/00 22:30:12

- 09/14/00 18:49:49
Hello to everyone at Earth first!My name is Ragen Harding i'm sittin' here at the public library in Clarion,PA.I'm not too good with computers and the new "technology" stuff...but i have been reading alot about environmentalism.Me and my boyfriend,Ryan are moving out of our trailer in Marienville,PA.We h pe to find a place out in the wide open west and live more natural..one with the Earth.We want to see the redwood and sequoia giants before they are destroyed.(Hopefully,groups like you,and other people that care about our mother and these holy beings won t let that happen!) got to go!! PEACE AND LOVE, RAE. RAGEN AND RYAN BEAR RUN RD. HC1 BOX 70 MARIENVILLE,PA 16239 (814-927-7354)

- 09/14/00 18:49:47
Hello to everyone at Earth first!My name is Ragen Harding i'm sittin' here at the public library in Clarion,PA.I'm not too good with computers and the new "technology" stuff...but i have been reading alot about environmentalism.Me and my boyfriend,Ryan are moving out of our trailer in Marienville,PA.We h pe to find a place out in the wide open west and live more natural..one with the Earth.We want to see the redwood and sequoia giants before they are destroyed.(Hopefully,groups like you,and other people that care about our mother and these holy beings won t let that happen!) got to go!! PEACE AND LOVE, RAE. RAGEN AND RYAN BEAR RUN RD. HC1 BOX 70 MARIENVILLE,PA 16239 (814-927-7354)

sticks jabiluka - 07/23/00 02:36:10
My URL:http://spinifex
My Email:disinfo.net
Watershed location: long grass
Who? What?: just saying g'day
Phone: out saving earth
I'm going to get this to you right away!: gettin way of them
from goolengook ancient gondwanna forests to ancient mound springs in desert over artesian water basin, from national parks to tropical islands the capitalists are stuffin the ecosystems. earth first and save a world of beauty. united we will see the end o greed and povity. lots of hope and faithful action. sticks

Adam - 06/29/00 15:30:22
You people are starting to piss me off. Have you ever considered the reasons why loggers have to cut down trees? The wood is needed to build houses, buildings, fences, furniture etc. Why do they need to cut so much of it down you ask? Maybe because there re SIX BILLION fucking people on this planet. So before you uneducated fucks decide to hold another protest about logging, you might want to first protest against overpopulation. Look at the big picture you idiots. More people = more deforestation

Simone Renaud - 04/19/00 19:00:12

vladimimir_big_beer - 04/06/00 17:50:04
My URL:www.spartak.org
My Email:vladimir_shvedov@hotmail.com
Watershed location: moscow,russia
Hallo Everybody! tragedy come today.... We, moscow spartak' fans don't support Leeds, but we love football and respect fans of all the teams. So, we're sorowful together with You, Your's pain today is our pain, Your's tears is our tears.... GOD BLESS THIS GOOD ENGLISH CHAPS! Our condolance,our hearts, our supports with friends and family of perished. The Earth will burn under the legs of the dirty muslims bastards! We hate them, We will fu.k them! vladimir_big_beer, mr.president, marmary, lennon, shadow,kkk,mcNak,mosfilmovskiy,alfedor,plissa........and many others i-net moscow spartak supporters (www.spartak.org & www.kbu.ru)

Craig Stehr - 04/05/00 01:54:18
My Email:craigstehr@altavista.com
Hi Andy,Please know that the City of Berkeley has notified me via Email this afternoon, that I will be provided with a FREE one way Greyhound bus ticket to Washington, D.C. It will be a week or so before I get this...I will be in the district for the A16 actions...beyond that, am planning to remain in the BalWash area...I gotta get some dough for food on the bus trip (unfortunately, I can't take East Bay Food Not Bombs with me)... Obviously, this is an eco-anarchistic moral victory...you may be darn sure that they did NOT want to pay for my bus fare...but it was either that, or endure my FUCK SHOPPING.COM CULTURE campaign indefinitely. All my best...keep it up!

Bill Ward - 04/04/00 14:16:12
My URL:http://www.bleedthebeast.com
BLEED THE BEAST contains information on tax avoidance and the underground economy. Resisting taxation and supporting the underground economy are simple, legal, and effective ways of bringing the system to its knees. Anyone interested in resisting the fede al government, for whatever reason, should check out this site. http://www.bleedthebeast.com “For every thousand hacking at the leaves of evil, there is one striking at the root.” -- Henry David Thoreau

Jakob Whilhelm - 03/27/00 21:20:22
Watershed location: Like im going to give you my address
Who? What?: blow me
Phone: no
I'm going to get this to you right away!: no
You are all a bunch of hippies, get a job.

Eva Patsch - 03/03/00 13:18:47
Watershed location: Hauptstraße77, A-7152 Pamhagen
I'm going to get this to you right away!: 0664/5504439
World is so big and wounderful and we are going do destroy them! There is so much we don´t know, but meny of us don´t try to find it out. They life there lifes and don´t look for thomorow. Is´t owful!

Eva Patsch - 03/03/00 13:13:10

craig stehr - 03/01/00 19:20:47
Watershed location: 640 40th st. richmond,ca 95482
Who? What?: contacts in D.C. area.
Phone: 510-234-1911
hi andy. am living under a tarp in a berkeley backyard. the police dept., mobile crisis team, mayor's office, and emergency food/housing project have expressed their thanks to me for not going ahead with my threats to occupy buildings of "spiritual grou s". just biding my time until it is posssible to make the move eastward, to set up a base on the nyc-dc powerstrip. city of berkeley has a bus ticket for me, good anytime...new attitude:WE'RE TAKING OVER!

craig stehr - 03/01/00 19:20:05
Watershed location: 640 40th st. richmond,ca 95482
Who? What?: contacts in D.C. area.
Phone: 510-234-1911
hi andy. am living under a tarp in a berkeley backyard. the police dept., mobile crisis team, mayor's office, and emergency food/housing project have expressed their thanks to me for not going ahead with my threats to occupy buildings of "spiritual grou s". just biding my time until it is posssible to make the move eastward, to set up a base on the nyc-dc powerstrip. city of berkeley has a bus ticket for me, good anytime...new attitude:WE'RE TAKING OVER!

VICTOR THE GOAT-BOY - 02/12/00 11:17:12

nick wildman - 01/24/00 17:13:40
My Email:zeebo85@hotmail.com
has Earth first! considered te situation of the Atlantic Salmon in Maine? Big trouble.

- 12/22/99 09:23:05
you are a bunch of enviromental-nazis

Laramie - 12/14/99 19:23:40
My Email:smithj80@pilot.msu.edu
I'm sitting in one of the most reputable forestry schools in the nation. My course of study is supposedly Forest Conservation. I have had classes designed to beat down the notion of saving our forests. I was required to watch a video on the Headwaters nd then discuss how "radical" all of those crazies are for giving a shit. My professor would love to save the spotted owl because he says they "taste damn good". I think it is painfully obvious that preliminary action should be taken to investigate what other anti-activist bullshit is flowing in the classrooms and campuses. I could blow your mind with more fun stories, email me if you wish. My question is...how can anyone expect to win a righteous fight tomorrow when today they are told that there is n fight to be fought. I'm scared for everyone if all of our universities are preaching this pig's gospel. AHHH! famous last words of a college dropout.

Travis Dandro - 12/09/99 12:32:48
My Email:travis@mrgnu.com
Have you heard the song "Humboldt County Massacre?" by Frank Black. I don't know if it's about David Chain or not, you can download it at www.multimania.com/fblack/index1.htm under rare songs.

Matthew Gyves - 11/12/99 18:54:27
Watershed location: Delaware river
Who? What?: Yardley PA, 19067
Phone: 19067-3433
We must all join hands in the northeast to stop this neverending batlle of saving our open lands. Every day there are fewer anbd fewer homes for the deer to roam free.Suburban sprawl has taken over, its time to put and end to this misery!

Matthew Gyves - 11/12/99 18:53:27
Watershed location: 21 Oakdale blvd.
Who? What?: Yardley PA, 19067
Phone: 19067-3433
We must all join hands in the northeast to stop this neverending batlle of saving our open lands. Every day there are fewer anbd fewer homes for the deer to roam free.

Matthew Gyves - 11/12/99 18:49:14
Watershed location: 21 Oakdale blvd.
Who? What?: Yardley PA, 19067
Phone: 19067-3433
We must all join hands in the northeast to stop this neverending batlle of saving our open lands. Every day there are fewer anbd fewer homes for the deer to roam free.

YaRd OniOns - 11/11/99 17:46:12
My URL:http://expage.com/page/yonions
My Email:yonions@hotmail.com
I have a song about Julia Butterfly. My guestbook was signed by Julia's mom. Come hear the tune "Luna Butterfly" at http://expage.com/page/yonions

Snatch Master J - 09/08/99 22:39:35
My URL:http://maccentral.com
What the fuck? EF is wasting our forests! They are turning them into pot plant yards! Horrable death from EF grow lights! Killer Green Bud is killing EF's brain cells. May they see the light, in mommy's Land Rover.

- 09/06/99 08:29:43
My Email:markstarrr@webtv.net
Why dont you kids turn off your wiz-bang box, and go turn on yer boobtubes, your missing the WWF, DEATH MATCH on MTV. and leave the good kind folks here at EF to their tireless effort of saving this planets beauty, habitat, and natural resources for your randkids, you ignorant greedy ingrates....

THE GREEN WEENY - 09/05/99 01:26:37
Watershed location: WAY BACK IN THE WAY BACK
Phone: 1 800 328 7448
I'm going to get this to you right away!: BIG CHAINSAW FOR YOUR BUNG HOLE

THE GREEN WEENY - 09/05/99 00:00:57
My URL:http://WWW.
Watershed location: BAR DEEPN BIGWOOD
I'm going to get this to you right away!: SLAYIN BIG REDWOODS

- 08/28/99 07:18:28
Fish On!

steph - 08/21/99 15:15:22
My Email:niknak79
Watershed location: pa
Who? What?: trying to get info about starting ef! chapter here.
I'm going to get this to you right away!: im a poor collage kid with awsome contacts
my home area is being destroyed by urban sprawl. i really need help here. pa has one of the biggest building problems. if you have ever been to pa to see the beauty here you want to save it as well. i worked for a local enviro group and got no progress. e me please!

Mr. Slappy - 08/19/99 04:45:50
My URL:http://chain_saw.com
My Email:logger@redwood_trees.net
Watershed location: Wouldn't you like to know!
Who? What?: How a FREE site could go bankrupt
Phone: 707.839.2867
I'm going to get this to you right away!: I can make smelly farts
So did someone snake all your green bud? How can a site on GeoShitties go bankrupt? Hmmm? What a load of bullshit. BTW thank you for the many laughs! http://www.hamsterdance.com/anin.gif http://www.hamsterdance.com/anin.gif http://www.hamsterdance.com/anin.gif http://www.hamsterdance.com/anin.gif http://www.hamsterdance.com/anin.gif http://www.hamsterdance.com/anin.gif http://www.hamsterdance.com/anin. if http://www.hamsterdance.com/anin.gif http://www.hamsterdance.com/anin.gif http://www.hamsterdance.com/anin.gif http://www.hamsterdance.com/anin.gif http://www.hamsterdance.com/anin.gif http://www.hamsterdance.com/anin.gif http://www.hamsterdance.com/anin.gif http://www.hamsterdance.com/anin.gif http://www.hamsterdance.com/anin.gif http://www.hamsterdance.com/anin.gif http://www.hamsterdance.com/anin.gif http://www.hamsterdance.com/anin.gif http://www.hamsterdance.com/anin. if http://www.hamsterdance.com/anin.gif http://www.hamsterdance.com/anin.gif http://www.hamsterdance.com/anin.gif http://www.hamsterdance.com/anin.gif http://www.hamsterdance.com/anin.gif http://www.hamsterdance.com/anin.gif 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Heather - 07/10/99 18:06:39
My Email:Mushu713@aol.com
Who? What?: i'm trying to find EF'er Randy Mark, somewhere near Moscow, ID?
if anyone knows how to get hold of Randy Mark, please email me and let me know. any information on how he is, what he is up to, anything is helpful and much appreciated. thank you

Laurie Jakubal - 07/10/99 01:15:30
My Email:LJakubal@Compuserve.com
Mikal Jakubal is my brother---I'm damn proud of him. Since he is so busy with Earth First! I check the site to see what he's up to next. Awesome site by the way---Hi Mikal!! I hope to come visit in August.

Gettin Crusty - 07/08/99 03:41:28
My Email:eatmyroost@xrcrxl.com
You sick sons-of-bitches. I read your EF! Death Manual. What kind of sadistic assholes are you, telling people how to kill and mame motorcyclists? Someone in Grants Pass, OR got put in the hospital because his motorcycle went into some spike trap, and I bet you peckerheads did it. Yes, I do ride off-road motorcycles, every chance I get. And yes, I do sling some mud, and crush some sagebrush, and all of that other stuff that pisses you off. But hey, I don't give a shit! There. I've vented. I'm sure it won't do a damn bit of good, your brains are already to fried from all that LSD you took in the '60s for you to listen. But, again, I don't give a shit!

Big Bad Bob - 07/07/99 02:00:22
My URL:http://fuckoffwhore.com
My Email:earthfirstsuck@hotmail.com
Watershed location: 144 Trees are My life Ln
Who? What?: Why you are dumb
Phone: 17078222424
I'm going to get this to you right away!: I can think without loser like you feeding me bullshit.
HAHAHA what a crack whore. This person does not know that 98% of all the oxygen made on this planet does NOT come from trees, but sea algae. And I really like the math this person came up with. If you lose one animal species every day over 25 years, you lose HOW many animals? If you are a stupid earthfirster, that's 25 animals species! Oh well, you have your stupid tree fucking losers doing math while smoking pot, that's what you get!

Strawberry - 07/06/99 21:20:02
My Email:Strawberryjelly_98@yahoo.com
So many people don't realize that once our old growth forests are gone that outcome and consequinces of humans deeds happen. That 1/2 of our endangered species live in these forests and once they our gone where will these animals go? We loose a plant or animal to extinction a day in the past 20 years we have lost over 250 plants and animals. If we don't open our eyes as humans we will have nothing left. And as the saying goes "IF WE CAN'T BREATHE NOTHING ELSE MATTERS" Think before you act and realize that we're not the only species on earth we just act that way.

tom osher - 06/19/99 20:32:33
My URL:http://bagelhole.hypermart.net
My Email:bagelhole1@aol.com
Watershed location: 1514 Innes Av. SF CA 94124
Who? What?: yes, to collaborate
Phone: 415-824-4214
I'm going to get this to you right away!: website with low-tech sustainable ideas
Subj: One Family or Oblivion Date: Monday, May 10, 1999 4:51:50 PM From: To: srkremp@innernet.net I have a suggestion for you to consider. Because no one knows whats going to happen, the prudent and responsible thing to do is to prepare for the worst and hope for the best. To prepare for 3-8 days is good, but it is irresponsible, because its not prepa ing for the worst. Its only preparing for what is hoped to be the worst. This is a form of denial and not only irresponsible, but stupid. It certainly would appear that way if there were an ongoing infrastructure breakdown for an indefinite period of time after 2000. And this possibility is not remote, I would guess its easily under 1 in a hundred. That is why what I have been promoting for 11 months now, is to shoot for the highest. But this is a stretch for most people, due perhaps to the wimp factor, the general lack of bold, creative visions in dealing with this possible oncoming disaster. If yo think about it, all the work, discussion, and scuttling around has amounted to little more than a list of things to stockpile. Something that should have taken about a week to come up with at most. There are the other obvious common sense responses of co munity mapping for vulnerable populations, skills, tools, parts, resources. Co-ordinating info sources and distribution, to prevent "reinventing the wheel", and a few other essentials, like being ready for martial law. But people just can't fathom the possibility of making individuals and neighborhoods as self-sustainable as possible before 2000. That's just too much, even when I present a way that is possible, which is to have an ever-improving list of low-tech sustain ble ideas that the most technically challenged person with the least resources can implement within 1-3 months. Now, I realize coming up with such a list is the tricky part of this contingency plan. But I have taken care of that to a large extent. I have eveloped a website (only half finished but functional) just for this purpose. Its not quite there yet, as far as all one need do, is go there and click in all the essential ideas and do it. But its getting close and there are still 150 good ideas that hav n't gone up yet. Besides, this project is really dependent on global collaboration, which hasn't really begun to happen yet. This has been almost a one man show, though I have had and still have other volunteers helping, without which it couldn't be done. The collaboration is both to get the best ideas and to get the ideas out to the world thru the internet, initially. Already, the ideas exist to make urban areas "food secure". That's right, we have many simple ideas, such that all the necessary food could be grown: 1. Low-cost greenhouses (at schools or wherever) with the leading edge techniques to grow huge amounts of organics (vertical structures, nutrient fed, looped tubing, no soil). 2. Vertical gardening on sidewalks, balconies, roofs, streets, etc.: Make a column out of chickenwire and tarpaper or cardboard about 3 1/2 feet high, 14 inches diameter. Hold a 4 inch diameter pipe in center and fill with sand and stones (for water ng), fill the rest of the area with good soil, remove the pipe. Cut 32 inch slits around the outside thru the wire and paper in a spiral pattern. Insert seedlings in slits (40-60). Sizes are arbitrary. 4 or 5 should feed a family plenty of vegetables, lant about 2 weeks apart to keep a steady harvest. Local gov1ts. should be asked to bring grains from the silos across America where they often rot every year and store them in accessible places for neighborhoods in your city. 3. Lettuce, sprouts, herbs, and wheat grass on window sills. People can live on those foods above. 4. Fish farming out of a barrel This is just to give you the realization that the knowledge is there to make self-sustainability a reality in a very short time, if there was just some support for these ideas. Everyone, though, appears to be concerned with possibly being seen as foolish for championing such ideas. It seems too impossible, but its not, in reality. So, I fear we will go into 2000 not adaquately prepared, because of the idiocy and fears of the human race. Not because it was impossible, because its not. There are very few courageous leaders among us. People only want to go the tried and true route. Th s situation is too unique for that to work. In the beginning, people were saying we'll need to find new ways, new ways of thinking, new ways of communicating, etc. Well, that hasn't happened. Even this isn't new. What is new, perhaps, is using the internet as a tool to save the whole world. To pull the world thru this possible catastrophe by using the best resources we have. I think some of the best resources are the internet, and human ingeniousness. You can visit my site "Through the Bagelhole", the idea being everyone must pass thru the bagelhole, and when they come out the other side, they are self-sustainable! http://bagelhole.hypermart.net/ . I have to apogize for the sorry state it is in, though it is functional. I just don't have the knowledge to do websites and my volunteers have been too busy. But it will be fixed soon. I am waiting for someone to breakaway from the sheepfold and come over to my side. To help make this happen. Who will be the ice-breaker, who could care less about appearing as a fool, when you are following your heart and the guidance of logic. First the e will be a few of us, and then more and more and more, until the whole world stands for self-sustainability or shall we see how far down we can go? One family or oblivion, Tom O (bagelhole1) Tax id 94-3111898

tree - 06/17/99 04:52:21
out of funds? good...bye

Lucifer - 06/14/99 05:02:45
My URL:http://trees.are.yummy
My Email:earthfirstsuck@hotmail.com
Watershed location: Arcata
Who? What?: Brain Dead Hippies
Phone: 17078222428
I'm going to get this to you right away!: I gotz skillz
That crazy chick in the tree, it is well known that she is a complete nutjob, but what is scary is how you all flock to her like she is the Great One. Fun Facts! Most of EarthFirst!ers mommys and daddys make over $100,000 US a year. They are mostly SOUTHERN Californians if they are for California at all. Most of them have never seen Headwaters, can I can show you many pretty pictures that have fooled alot of treeh ggers that THIS was Headwaters. It was right next to a mill. Have you ever been to a lumber mill? More deer, 'coons, foxes and other wildlife live next to lumber mills then out in the woods. EarthFirst is full of bullshit.

Super Q - 06/13/99 06:17:22
Watershed location: does it matter what stream we all piss in
Who? What?: Action Party
I'm going to get this to you right away!: common sense
We have to save the redwood tree that Julia Hill is sitting in, evidence already shows that the concentration of her urine and feces is killing this beautiful old giant, Julia, the girl who suffered head injuries and then climbed into a tree is not mental y stable and her own action of human ecocide coupled with the thousands of nail she and her gang have driven into the tree are killing it, ACT NOW,, do what ever it takes to get this "nut case" out of the beautiful tree, so professionals can administer f rst aid to this old giant, ACT NOW, Save a redwood

Gloria K-J. Hsu - 06/11/99 03:51:21
My Email:kjhsu@atchem.as.ntu.edu.tw
Watershed location: 61, Ln 144, Sect.4, Keelung Rd. Taipei, Taiwan
Who? What?: yes/I represent Taiwan Environmental Protection Union (NGO)
Phone: too expensive to call
I'm going to get this to you right away!: I will donate some money.
I am serving as the Academic Coordinator for Taiwan Environmental Protection Union - leading NGO in Taiwan. A number of NGOs here try to promote this year as Year of Forest. However, those activities are very soft, picture exhibition, some lectures. I wou d know more about your activities. And maybe sometime we can meet with people from your group. This does not have to be this year. Best Wishes, Gloria K.-J. Hsu

Rag Man Pete - 06/07/99 20:52:55
My URL:http://treesareneat.edu
My Email:earthfirstsuck@hotmail.com
Watershed location: Arcata
Who? What?: How stupid you are
Phone: 563-3000
I'm going to get this to you right away!: I can drop trees on hippies!
Drop a Redwood on a smelly hippie. Sleep better because we can get away with it =Þ~~~~ EarthFirster!s can't think, but then again, they are all pretty damn stupid anyway!

Incomplete Pete - 06/03/99 22:23:48
My Email:earthfirstsuck@hotmail.com
Watershed location: Arcata
Who? What?: If you have brains
Phone: Please dial 911
I'm going to get this to you right away!: Webmaster J
The loser below this post is a complete puss. This type of person should not have a computer, or a life because they don't have a clue what the "real world" is like, and no, it isn't a show on MTV. Guns don't kill people... A) *I* kill people B) They make it real easy! C) Both A and B Take your pick! *LOL* I love bumperstickers!

First Time Visitor - 05/31/99 21:05:48
Reading the semi-literate, hate-filled posts in your Guestbook gave me an idea: Gun ownership should be conditioned on passing a psychiatric examination. The authors of these messages do not simply have an opposing point of view. They clearly are mental y disturbed. Some battered spouses, children and girlfriends may be fortunate that they spent the time writing messages rather than administering beatings. Environmentalists shouldn't be overly concerned about the thugs. They lack the communications skills and emotional stability even to get past the screeners of the Rush Limbaugh show. The real enemies are the politicians, who routinely exchange natural r sources for bribes. Ironically, politicians such as Clinton who purport to be pro-environment are able to extract the largest bribes, since they must be paid a premium to change previously stated positions, as in the case of Logging Without Laws.

One of many voices - 05/27/99 22:36:18
My Email:MARKSTARRR@webtv.net
Watershed location: Esparto CA
I'm going to get this to you right away!: KindnessCounts
RATHER THAN BE SILENT WHEN YOU HEAR THE CALL TO DESTROY THAT WHICH DESTROY THIS PLACE FOR ALL. ITS UP TO YOU TO INVESTIGATE THE SYSTEM, You got to educate Yourself, do not withhold Your wisdom. You've got to speak out! Cuz when the pressure drop surging p wer failure When the last straw breaks the camel's back When the blood-clot aneurysm the system and the weak-heart fearful nervousness attack When the lungs can't breath to scream for oxygen, when oil fields are burning the daytime black When the water is poison and the sun caRciNOgen, ALL THAT IS PROVIDED IS FINALLY TAKEN BACK!!BABYLON FALLS!!!

Will Jaynes - 05/25/99 20:47:15
My Email:wbhayduke@aol.com
Watershed location: 4825 se 65th portland, OR 97206
Earth First groups in my area?

Nicole Ruhet - 05/25/99 18:18:47
My Email:nruhet@hotmail.com
Who? What?: More about Julia!
I'd like to give all my encouragements to Julia "Butterfly" Hill. What she's doing with Luna is totally amazing! Go on, Julia!

Art Strauss - 05/18/99 14:08:26
My Email:artstrauss@iwaynet.net
Art & Cindy Strauss operate a hard copy Worldwise Lending Library out of our home. We distribute eco/social justice literature to libraries, churches, and table at events. I just found my way to your website and will monitor it regularly. Sent my letter to the Humboldt County Sheriff some time ago. We're grateful for the voice of Earth First!

Trent - 05/17/99 19:16:18
Watershed location: Seattle, WA/Msla. MT
Who? What?: Friends and Allies
Phone: 406-542-9779
I'm going to get this to you right away!: Time, $$, Dedication
EF!'ers, I've got much time and no direction this summer. I need to contact folks in the Missoula area for info on actions in MT/ID. Also need info on WA and OR actions, since I may get fed up with Msla. Also, I need a partner for hiking the WA section of the PCT this summer (Aug/Sept). Hike from Manning Park BC to Mt. Hood in OR. Climb Mt.'s Adams, Hood, and Ranier, and Glacier Peak. You must be fit, strong, self-reliant, and love the wilderness. Also, have your own clothes, boots, climbing equip, and sha e 1/2 of food and resupply package costs ($150 or less). Contact me in Missoula at 406-542-9779 (collect OK if you're really poor). And, I'm looking for a partner to spend 4 months in India/Nepal and Tibet in April 2000. Have accomodatios and everything p epared, I just need you. A group (us) may get us a visa to Bhutan.

Rush Jr. - 05/14/99 06:27:08
My Email:raven@eibnet.com
Watershed location: EIB Building, New York, NY 10012
Who? What?: Environmental wackos
I'm going to get this to you right away!: Love to cut down trees.
What freaks me out is spoiled rotten suburban white kids with too much time on their hands and too many drugs in their system who think its okay to murder working men who are just trying to support their families through honest work. What freaks me out is condescending Liberal elitists who want to force people to live in huts and eat bugs. The sound of a tree falling! Now there's a beautiful sound! All ready to be made into a violin, or a walking stick, or a baseball bat or a house. Get a life, you racist erks.

megan - 05/06/99 01:34:38
My Email:megan_jhs@hotmail.com
Watershed location: 3884 Mayfield Dr. Jackson, MI 49203
Who? What?: i am looking for info about who this organization got started

Nasty Man - 05/01/99 06:18:30
My Email:trees@areyummy.com
Please, if you are going to kill yourself, leave a note.

- 04/30/99 18:39:17
previous entries on this page have left me a little bothered at the ignorance and carelessness of members of this society. They have also made me very angry. I'm not a stable person and am often tempted to take action at the risk of my own life. If any ne knows any quality violent tactics to stop the rape of the earth, please leave them here on this page

- 04/30/99 18:29:52
i have a belief that humans are not the only things on this planet that matter. In fact i believe that many beings are more important than most humans. poach the poachers. stop the machine by any means

Harry Woods - 04/28/99 17:00:58
My Email:( public library)
Watershed location: 1400 Siloam Rd. Pueblo Co. 81005
Phone: (719) 784-0661
In the wee hours of the morning of Wednesday, April 28, a dozen or so protestors gathered at the Monument Pass weigh station in Monument, Colorado to protest the transportation of the first of several thousand truckloads of nuclear waste from Idaho Falls, Idaho to Carlsbad, New Mexico. We were dissapointed when the truck bypassed the weigh station altogether. The cops ran interference for the shipment . . . surprise!

Brandon H. - 04/25/99 07:44:03
My Email:bthighla@clunet.edu
Who? What?: I want to purchase the Julia Hill Video. I'm doing a presentation on EF! and Sea Shepherds on May 4, 1999(8 days from today). If I send the money Mon. morning do you think you could have it to me within one week? Sincerely, Brandon H. br>

maren jansen - 04/18/99 11:00:31
My Email:maren222@yahoo.com
Watershed location: 732 candletreedr. blue springs mo 64015
Who? What?: very interested in this group
how can i get involved?

Nor Saver - 04/16/99 16:48:43
My Email:ronaldgoldstein@hotmail.com
Watershed location: 3920 67th St E Inver Grove Heights, MN 55076
Hi. I've been involved in the Hwy 55 protest in Minnesota now since November and just stubled onto this webpage. It has boosted my moral to keep fighting. Thank you. I had one question though; how does one officially become a part of Earth First!? Peace, Love, Unity, Respect Nor

Mark S. Crain - 04/16/99 00:30:58
My Email:MISSNGYOUJERRY@webtv.net
I now see why the anti-EARTH FIRST hate filled persons dont put in their real e-mail addresses and real phone #'s,Thats because in their broken hearts they know what they say and think and stand for is dead wrong.And can not stand up for their words.

Big Bob - 04/15/99 15:46:00
Watershed location: Korbel Ca
I'm sorry for my previous enteries. Do not bother calling the # 707-822-2424 the Arcada police asked me to stop using their number. I can only hope that Davids family can forgive me. once again......Im sorry...... Big Bob

Caterina Provost-Smith - 04/05/99 23:50:45
My Email:catps@ibm.net
Who? What?: yes -see below
I would like to write to Julia Butterfly in support of her tree-sit. I wrote (in this website) about two weeks ago and no one answered -- is there anyone reading this on a regular basis? Is there somewhere I can send a letter thatis will get to Julia? - a tree-lover

Christie Owens - 04/05/99 21:14:21
My Email:warhol420@hotmail.com

googly eyes - 04/05/99 03:56:32
My Email:www.hotmail.1.want.to find.more@
Watershed location: 9\12 Pitt St New York City
Who? What?: Rainforests
Phone: yes N\A
I'm going to get this to you right away!: no
Dear guys, I'm really concerned about rainforests and I think you should create a world wide organization to stop cutting down luscious trees. Sometimes I think there should be no money involved with cutting down trees and that. People around the world live on trees and it's CRUEL to cut the poor things down. They have a little life too. Rainforest lover,NYC. Ta ta boys!

Mark Crain - 04/03/99 19:53:32
Charles Herowitz and Maxxam's coming. We're finally on our own. This Summer I hear the drumming ONE DEAD in the OL, OlD GROWTH. Got to get up to them, Pacific Lumber is Cutting Them Down. Should have been stopped long ago. What if you knew David, and found Him Dead on the Ground. How could You Run, When You Know???? ONE DEAD IN THE OL, OLD GROWTH! how many more?

Mark Crain - 04/03/99 19:33:55
Tin Soldiers and Maxxam's coming. We're finally on our own. This Summer I hear the drumming ONE DEAD in the OlD GROWTH. Got to get up to them, Pacific Lumber is Cutting Them Down. Should have been stopped long ago.

Mark Crain - 04/03/99 18:39:13
My Email:MISSNGYOUJERRY@webtv.net
Watershed location: 27777 co. rd. 19 Esparto CA 95627
Find the cause of Freedom, Standing in Her Ground. Mother Earth will swallow You, lay your Chainsaws Down!

Rina Provost-Smith - 03/27/99 04:50:55
My Email:catps@ibm.net
Who? What?: Yes, I'd like to find out more about Luna and if she's interested in corresponding. . . (I assume letters can be gotten up to her. . .) Does anyone at this site know her personally? Also would love to know more about Earth First.
The killing of trees. . .ancient forests. . .

Amanda Dearden - 03/26/99 09:41:22
My Email:adearden@hotmail.com
Who? What?: Hydro Quebec
The destruction of coral reefs and the oceans.

Dave Shilobod - 03/25/99 13:50:07
My Email:dasst73@pitt.edu
Watershed location: 733 Maryland Ave Apt2B
Who? What?: Pittsburgh, PA
Phone: 15232
old growth cutting and multinational corporations piss me off the most.

Spencer J. Hahn - 03/23/99 06:36:13
My Email:spencer@hahn.net
Watershed location: California
I used to intern for the Congressman in whose district the Headwaters Forest is located, Representative Frank Riggs. Your group is full of extremist terrorists, witness the felonious invasion of Riggs' Humboldt Congressional Office by eco-terrorists. Af er urinating and deficating all over the office, they locked their arms together in metal pipes, preventing any important work from being done. After hours of negotiations, the Sherrif's Department finally made the appropriate decision, and utilized pepp r spray to resolve the situation. Earth First! members are no better, and are in fact worse, than the polluters whom they so roundly and quickly condemn.

joe@taz.net.au - 03/21/99 16:46:03
$15+ for the Chain Video strikes me as tastelessly expensive. Surely any EarthFirst donation can be made apart from the video cost(?)

Adam Blackfoot - 03/19/99 02:23:44
Save an owl, kill a logger!

mike frank - 03/13/99 03:32:18
Who? What?: yes
those fucking loging companys are the most fucking worthless damn lings that ever was alowed to walk on the only thing worth saving, one of these days somone is going to fucking tweak out on them and they wont ever try fucking whith us again.

jeff dombroskas - 03/11/99 19:45:59
Watershed location: 4067 ficklin road, mt. sterling, kentucky 40353
Who? What?: looking for a list of and details about all virgin woodlands in n america.
Phone: (606)499-0591

America Meredith - 03/09/99 21:40:24
My URL:http://www.voiceofda.com
My Email:Ahalenia@aol.com
Watershed location: PO Box 640251, SF CA 94164-0251
Who? What?: Oklahoman Environmentalists! I looked that up on a browser and the first thing I got was the "John Birch Society"---barf! Oklahoma DOES have an environmentalist history, i.e. Red River War, intertribal battle against the US Army, wher Natives risked their own lives to save the last free-ranging herd of buffalo!
Phone: hell no, e-mail
I'm going to get this to you right away!: desktop publishing, caligraphy, art, SFBMA, ILWU Local #6
People living in denial and complacency and accepting what corporate media tells them. Yeeks. Thanks for info about about Minnehaha Liberated Zon

Janelle Richard - 03/09/99 14:51:03
My Email:kscarlett16@hotmail.com
Watershed location: 25 Green Street Bridgton, ME 04009
Who? What?: the history of the Earth First organization

puck - 03/07/99 00:19:49
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/rainforest/jungle/1098
My Email:lorax@wolf-web.com
Watershed location: New York Shitty
Who? What?: nope, jus' surfin' my fellow eco-raiders sites...
Phone: well, I am working on starting a new EF! group here in NYC, Wetlands has become a joke
I'm going to get this to you right away!: fluent in Adobe pagemill 2.0, illustrator, photoshop, clarisworks, I spend my spare time dreaming up new blockading devices (mostly concrete). I know EVERYONE here in the NYC activist community and I make mean frozen margarita!
Right now the looming globalization of commerce and the disintegration of true democracy here in the states is what freaks me out the most. Also, I have a special place in my heart for Mayor "adolph" giuliani, I hope he rots in hell! if you could see it in your heart to put my site up on your links page I would be forever in your debt. I've already added you folks to my links page and would be happy to help upgrade your site. just send me an email at lorax@wolf-web.com or gimme a ca l at (917)238-3522. this is a voice mail pager only, please leave a message and I will get back to ya'! hope all is well! seizures later!

- 02/25/99 21:58:42
Your group needs to find a better way to release your anger. Maybe learn to play a piano, or write a book, or build a house.

Joe - 02/24/99 13:51:09
My Email:joe.straightedge@excite.co.uk
Multinational corprations tear apart and polluting the earth for profit without any consideration for anything.

Bob - 02/24/99 04:09:41
Who? What?: Yes
I have to agree with the previous caller. Maybe you've been spending too much time in the forest, but the green background has to go- it's unwarranted and noxious. Try black letters on a white or liight gray background- boring, but readable.

Adam Nelson - 02/23/99 20:01:31
My Email:adamn78@yahoo.com
The overpopulation of the Earth!!!!

Adam Nelson - 02/23/99 19:32:28
"Kill those who kill the planet!"

J Fleckenstein - 02/18/99 21:24:32
My Email:fleck@lassen.net
Who? What?: The death of david Chain and the pepper-spray situation
I was looking for another point of view about these two topics. Even after reading the info on your site I don't see any fault on the side of the logger. They have a job to do, and it looks as if there were plenty of opportunities for the protesters to le ve the area before the trees were cut. It reminds me of a protester that was sitting on a train track and was hit by a train - why are people shocked when this happens? If you don't want to get hit protest on the side of the tracks. Same thing with the pe per spray. There was ample opportunity for people to leave the private property, but they chose to stay. If I feel strongly enough about something to protest it, and I don't move when I'm told, I'm opening myself up to be moved by outside means - why shou d I be outraged when the police do what they've already warned me they're going to do? Seems the better way to handle these situations is to (1) raise private funds to purchase land, (2) stop logging companies with court orders and environmental studies, nd/or (3)lobby the federal government to buy land for national parks. If you choose to put yourself in harm's way don't expect much sympathy when someone gets hurt.

George W. Hayduke - 02/17/99 09:39:00
My URL:http://ceperley.com/ef/
My Email:efmc@asis.com
Watershed location: Wherever the winds still blow WILD and FREE!
Who? What?: Mature and persevering types without inflated egos! Lovers for Real!
Phone: I'll be down at all the meeting halls doing some serious, strategic organizing!
I'll get to you right away: Whatever I got, I can always put a lot more in service.
ORGANIZE WELL OR DIE! That's all there is to it! And STICK TO IT no matter what! Do it strategically, as if your life, as if **ALL LIFE AND THE EVOLUTION OF A PLANET** are at stake... THEY ARE! And never forget to love the people around you! So what are * ou* waiting for? Action IS the Antidote for Despair!

Megan Webber - 02/16/99 19:47:33
My email:hummingbird92@hotmail.com
Phone:(616)352-9828, (616)352-9828
Watershed location: 1597 Elm st. Frankfort, MI 49635
Area of Ecocide which freaks you out the most: the cutting of the forests, Rain forest, red woods ect.
So what are you gonna do about it?: I want to be a part of the earth first!.
What are you trying to find out/ Who do you want to reach?: I want to know how I become a earth first!er. I would like to talk to anyone involved
Want someone to call you collect to discuss something?: yes!!!!
What talents, skills, access, resources, contacts, money do you have to offer?: I could do whatever was needed

This is our earth! If it wasn't for the forest's we would be nothing. At the rate they are cutting them down very bad things will happen. Global warming will kill us all but society is blind to this. I want to help!!!

Pim techamuanvivit - 02/15/99 21:54:42
My Email:unalome@yahoo.com
Area of Ecocide which freaks you out the most: background color
What are you trying to find out/ Who do you want to reach?: information on environmental issues
What talents, skills, access, resources, contacts, money do you have to offer?: I'll decide when I'm able to read more about your site.

I'd like to learn more about the great info you put on our site. However, the bright background colors gave me a headache. Please do something about it. It is important for environmentalists to make sure people read and get all the information they can about vital issues, but the hideous (sorry to have to be harsh) colors on your site made me stop reading it, even though I really want to read more about the issues. Please please do something about it. How about just white background and black fonts-- normal and easier on the eyes.

GreenLuv - 02/13/99 03:36:42
My URL:lusareta@hotmail.com
Area of Ecocide which freaks you out the most: Pennsylvaina:#2nd largest(in the U.S.A) discharger of toxic waste into its own water supply.....#3rd largest importer of toxic waste from other states and countries.......state goverment,industry and o ganized crime are sleeping in the same bed somewhere in Harrisburg....
So what are you gonna do about it?: canvase....the next revolution or evolution will be made and finished,with a pen and recycled paper,I've got a sword called truth and shield called common sense.....and about 100,000 taxpaying voices to back me up
What are you trying to find out/ Who do you want to reach?: How I can help/everyone
Want someone to call you collect to discuss something?: mabye
What talents, skills, access, resources, contacts, money do you have to offer?: community organizer/lobbyist/fundraiser/snowboard instructer/artist/damn good on the hand drums/$?$?/can train people how to lobby

Clean Water Walkers Rule.........http://www.epa.gov/surf/................................see who has a permit to posion your community anywhere in the U.S.................................ONE LOVE ...get in touch

GreenLuv - 02/13/99 03:12:48
My URL:lusareta@hotmail.com
Area of Ecocide which freaks you out the most: Pennsylvania:#1dumpsite in the U.S.A ,we import more trash from other states and countires(Canada


Graham Simon - 02/12/99 18:06:12
My URL:pearljam_seattle@hotmail.com


timothy heater - 02/12/99 03:23:36
My URL:tsheater@aol.com
My Email:707 2549776
Contact address: 4436 tanglewood way napa ca 94558

I forgot to give my full address ops!

timothy heater - 02/12/99 03:19:54
My URL:tsheater@aol.com
My Email:707 2549776
Contact address: 4436 tanglewood way
Area of Ecocide which freaks you out the most: headwaters
So what are you gonna do about it?: get connected to you
What are you trying to find out/ Who do you want to reach?: i want to get involved
Want someone to call you collect to discuss something?: yes
What talents, skills, access, resources, contacts, money do you have to offer?: im a social worker and a hospice chaplain

thank you

Tammy Roberts - 02/11/99 12:40:32
My URL:thomasina4@yahoo.com
Area of Ecocide which freaks you out the most: the destruction that mining companys are doing to our lands and homes
So what are you gonna do about it?: make people and especially children aware of this problem through schools, Girl Scout and Boy Scout programs
What are you trying to find out/ Who do you want to reach?: Need information on what actions are being taken to stop mining Co. from destroying our lands
Want someone to call you collect to discuss something?: please e-mail
What talents, skills, access, resources, contacts, money do you have to offer?: I am a leader for both org. and a parent of four kids, so by word of mouth and by personal actions, I teach them, make them aware of these problems.


blazarus - 02/10/99 20:37:31
My URL:disgusto@bigfoot.com
Contact address: 901 N. Monroe St. #310 Arlington, VA 22202
Area of Ecocide which freaks you out the most: rapid modernization in general, it gives me the shakes even.
So what are you gonna do about it?: sign this guestbook?
What are you trying to find out/ Who do you want to reach?: i'm not sure because i haven't looked at the entire page yet, and might find out what i need... but mainly just WASH DC area action i can dedicate a couple of years to.
Want someone to call you collect to discuss something?: yeah, but my parents probably wouldn't be too hip.
What talents, skills, access, resources, contacts, money do you have to offer?: that is a mistake asking ME this question: i DO live 2 minutes from our nation's capital; i do metal working, including everything from welding, to oldschool blacksmith ng; i've got MAD webpage designing abilities(check out the links below); i LIVE by D.Y.I.; i'm young and verale; i can breakdance; i know martial arts; my personality is as esoteric and passionate as they get... AND plus, all the ladies love me.

i'm not as abnoxious as i sound. i recently turned 18 years old, and i'm basically finishing up high school. i average on 5 classes per week, and although i do many things, school now being totally effortless for me, i have an abundance of time. i want to spend the span inbetween now and fall of 1999 doing something worthwhile, for a cause that means something way bigger than me(all of my current disciplines are completely selfish, as listed above). I'm totally about any help i can offer on the media webpa e... and any ideas or information about actual physical action, or people i can contact here in DC would be really frickin cool. check out my pages, and if there are any questions about html, or views telling me how futile i am, just drop a line. http://fly.to/hbscience http://bigfoot.com/~disgusto thanks a lot, a reply would brighten my life. -Brendan Lazarus p.s. what is the deal with http://www.earth-first.com ? is it being constructed now, or do you think i could be behind a firewall... no stress though, since i found this page =P

Darrell Hoover - 02/10/99 18:09:44
My URL:darrell.hoover@worldnet.att.net
My Email:423 882-7276
Area of Ecocide which freaks you out the most: Landfills/consumers


Tye Zaharia - 02/09/99 07:43:22
My URL:RZaharia@burgoyne.com
Area of Ecocide which freaks you out the most: ALL ECOCIDE
So what are you gonna do about it?: RALLY!!!
What are you trying to find out/ Who do you want to reach?: I want to reach the entire world
Want someone to call you collect to discuss something?: Email me and find our how to unite the world
What talents, skills, access, resources, contacts, money do you have to offer?: Excellent Artist, bright, young, brilliant idea in the making

There truly is a way to change the world and unite all of us. I have an idea that shouldn't be to hard to understand. It is the basics of what people do to create awarnes. RALLY! Not just the typical rally. C.A.R.E.

Flemming Geel Weirsøe - 02/08/99 16:31:22
My URL:info@geel-data.dk
My Email:+45 36770111
Contact address: Hellbergsvej 26, 2650 Hvidovre, DK (Denmark)
So what are you gonna do about it?: I don't now, im am confused an angry
What are you trying to find out/ Who do you want to reach?: earth first i Denmark
What talents, skills, access, resources, contacts, money do you have to offer?: Data and EDB skill

I am a father to 5 children, and i am frigthen for there future. In the same time, i am part of the system there are trying to destying the same future. I admire your work!!! Yours Flemming Geel Weirsøe

Thomas Griffing - 02/08/99 06:18:43
My URL:tgriffing@yahoo.com
My Email:616.749.9384
Contact address: PO Box 213, Olivet,MI 49076
Area of Ecocide which freaks you out the most: Losing Our Beloved Trees
So what are you gonna do about it?: Educate, Educate, Educate
What are you trying to find out/ Who do you want to reach?: Everything, Everyone
Want someone to call you collect to discuss something?: O.K., there are many topics worth discussing
What talents, skills, access, resources, contacts, money do you have to offer?: Educator, biologist, ecosystem researcher, publishing and many people skills, sort of poet, known as a fed. criminal for founding Michigan Medical Marijuana Club in 199

Within the gates of heaven grow each of all the trees and each of all the creatures know the path that leads to these visit me at http://geocities.datacellar.net/~earthandsky, geared toward mainstream for educational purposes, growing, soon to move to URL at Olivet College, a small hotbed of activism and concern. This site will never feature wise use links or commercial advertising. I may want to add a link to Earth First! on t is site. Email saves trees! Do not send me paper mail if you can avoid it!

DEBBIE - 02/03/99 04:58:28
My URL:desarode@aol.com
Area of Ecocide which freaks you out the most: trees
So what are you gonna do about it?: help you?
What talents, skills, access, resources, contacts, money do you have to offer?: i can write

sign me up

marco! - 02/02/99 17:58:15
My URL:ati@etext.org
Area of Ecocide which freaks you out the most: consumerism/uranium
So what are you gonna do about it?: eachoneteachonepraxis
What are you trying to find out/ Who do you want to reach?: nobody/everybody
Want someone to call you collect to discuss something?: can't even afford to capitalize my name!
What talents, skills, access, resources, contacts, money do you have to offer?: music, music, music, media, metaphor!

I too am mad as hell and only willing to take so much more. I already shouted out the window and from atop Pikes Peak, NORAD & SanFranpeaks. What now?!?!?!?

elizabeth - 01/30/99 19:32:55
My URL:skyviewave
My Email:7506759
Contact address: pobox1634
Area of Ecocide which freaks you out the most: philomath
So what are you gonna do about it?: ore
What are you trying to find out/ Who do you want to reach?: 97370

Greetings fellow ecofreaks, I'm just now learning to use the net and coming out of the brush,as well....what is going on? I mean news of actions ..how's the bro who fell out of the tree? who is interested in doing some stream rehab? who thinks they know how?

Stanley J. Kristekas - 01/28/99 14:28:17
My Email:610-532-9130
Contact address: 1323 Park Lane Darby, Pa
Area of Ecocide which freaks you out the most: Drinking Water
So what are you gonna do about it?: Until I have capital JUST PROTEST
What are you trying to find out/ Who do you want to reach?: hOW MANY CANCER CAUSING AGENTS ARE THERE IN MY WATER
Want someone to call you collect to discuss something?: Yes
What talents, skills, access, resources, contacts, money do you have to offer?: Not many, or much money. But with support can get many

I am tired of the government ignorrance of the enviornmental needs that every human needs to exist.

Christopher Miles Kendall - 01/27/99 05:06:40
My Email:(410)275-2231
Contact address: 113 club lane Earleville,MD 21919
Area of Ecocide which freaks you out the most: ALL
So what are you gonna do about it?: I want to help
What are you trying to find out/ Who do you want to reach?: I want to help
Want someone to call you collect to discuss something?: yes
What talents, skills, access, resources, contacts, money do you have to offer?: passion for the environment


AKASHA - 01/27/99 02:59:57
My URL:outdc@efn.org



is a site dedicated to:Non-compromising,
non-violent, direct action in defense of
Mother Eart .
The theme of this site is tree sits, that is,
living in a tree so it can't be cut down. Peace!

james - 01/26/99 06:15:41
My URL:greenface69@hotmail.com
Area of Ecocide which freaks you out the most: the forests
So what are you gonna do about it?: depends
What talents, skills, access, resources, contacts, money do you have to offer?: Military training, army medic and other military training

There is a lot to be done, I just need to pointed in the right direction to get things done that no one else will do.

Gregory Dye - 01/22/99 04:36:02
My URL:dyegregory@yahoo
My Email:404-633-4966
Contact address: 2430 Tanglewood Rd. Decatur, Ga. 30033
Area of Ecocide which freaks you out the most: earth abuse
So what are you gonna do about it?: most anything
What are you trying to find out/ Who do you want to reach?: newsletter? need money? group in Atlanta?
Want someone to call you collect to discuss something?: use the mail, please
What talents, skills, access, resources, contacts, money do you have to offer?: all of above

i'm mad as hell and i'm not going to take it anymore.

b stadick - 01/21/99 04:53:55
My Email:na
Contact address: portland,or
Area of Ecocide which freaks you out the most: pacific northwest
So what are you gonna do about it?: keep informed
What are you trying to find out/ Who do you want to reach?: action groups
Want someone to call you collect to discuss something?: no
What talents, skills, access, resources, contacts, money do you have to offer?: librarian

I am deeply concerned about what is going on in our region of the country.

Sarah J Young - 01/20/99 14:38:15
My URL:sunshinejaye@yahoo.com
My Email:(902) 425-4454
Contact address: 2573 Oxford street, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3L 2T5
Area of Ecocide which freaks you out the most: The destructionof old growth forests
So what are you gonna do about it?: help in any way I can! Let me know!
What are you trying to find out/ Who do you want to reach?: earth first-general
Want someone to call you collect to discuss something?: no thanks
What talents, skills, access, resources, contacts, money do you have to offer?: I am a great public speaker, am university educated in nature conservation and environmental ethics, am not afraid of standing up for my beliefs, I have access to an en ire university, but very little cash

Please contact me if there is anything I can do, there are very few action-centers in Nova Scotia, and so it is difficult to get people organized and passionate about the destruction of our Earth.

Christopher T. Krezmien - 01/19/99 18:26:14
My Email:773 292 1076
Contact address: 2646 W. Chicago Ave. 1R Chicago, IL 60622
Area of Ecocide which freaks you out the most: Recycling in Chicago
What are you trying to find out/ Who do you want to reach?: local contacts
What talents, skills, access, resources, contacts, money do you have to offer?: time concern

As a relatively new resident of this area I am disheartened by the lack of concern, with the general population in my community, for the environment as it exists. I would really appreciate some information on contacts of equally concerned, and ready to a t, citizens.

Mark Tilley - 01/13/99 20:11:44
My URL:mark.tilley@gte.net
My Email:510-893-4802
Contact address: 360 Vernon St. #316
Area of Ecocide which freaks you out the most: Northern California, Pacific Northwest Deforestation
So what are you gonna do about it?: Dessemination of information
What are you trying to find out/ Who do you want to reach?: Any representatives in Oakland CA
Want someone to call you collect to discuss something?: Call if you could use my skills
What talents, skills, access, resources, contacts, money do you have to offer?: Web development and desk top publishing. Writing.

I am very impressed with the courage of some of your members. I believe that you are one of the few environmental organizations that actually gets the urgency of the situation. I also admire your persistance in the face of such intense adversity. I hop that I might have something to contribute. Mark Tilley

Zero Youth - 01/13/99 13:25:17
My URL:zeroyouth@hotmail.com
Area of Ecocide which freaks you out the most: The lack of fresh drinkable water in the world and coperate control of the earth!
So what are you gonna do about it?: ORGANIZE!
What are you trying to find out/ Who do you want to reach?: Logging

Keep up the great work! The fight for freedom of the earth will never be over until the governments and coperations of this world our smashed

Frank W. Hilliker, Jr. - 12/29/98 12:51:48
My URL:ghostz@hotmail.com
Area of Ecocide which freaks you out the most: The contamination of our water sources, the fact that people have to buy drinking water in containers instead of being able to use the taps, the bullying of big corporations done in third world countri s which would get them in major trouble in the more prosperous countries. Just to name a few items
So what are you gonna do about it?: Still boycotting Exxon and now Mobil since the two have merged. Attempting to find out other ways to help. Tired of sitting on my butt just thinking about it
What talents, skills, access, resources, contacts, money do you have to offer?: Class I Georgia Water Treatment Plant Operator, State of Georgia Licensed Pedt Control Technician, various computer skills

Thinking about making something right doesn't make it happen. Unfortunately all I have to offer is effort, talent, and time. Still, it is time to put forth effort, use talent, and take the time to start making a difference. Taking action for the enviro ment seems to be a trendy thing which is not so trendy at the moment. I am not concerned with what is trendy or what isn't. This is meant in the same way as the fact that most people are only pleasant and giving during Christmas and regular "Scrooge's" he rest of the year. Sure, life kicks everyone in the ass sometimes... yet I have recently learned that a everyone needs a good ass-kicking every once in a while to wake them up. I am guilty of the mentality "someone else will deal with it." Not anymor . To take care of one's family means more than working the 8-5, more than simply wishing things were better in our world. We have to protect our childrens' birthright... because if I (we) don't then who will.

Will Lowry - 12/29/98 01:49:25
My URL:filmcorp@pe.net
Contact address: Box 153
Area of Ecocide which freaks you out the most: Mt. Center
So what are you gonna do about it?: California
What are you trying to find out/ Who do you want to reach?: 92549


nicole tucker - 12/22/98 17:23:20
My URL:nex0s@yahoo.com
My Email:203.865.2663
Contact address: 120 dwight st, new haven ct. 06511
Area of Ecocide which freaks you out the most: the poisoning of our very land and water sources. The fact that our food is poisoned and the government is trying to underhandedly destroy organic farming regulations.
So what are you gonna do about it?: I'm not sure, that's why I'm writing you. I try and support organic growers by buying organic foods and from coops when I can, but I don't know what to do beyond that.
What are you trying to find out/ Who do you want to reach?: I'd like to reach some kind of people in connecticut.
Want someone to call you collect to discuss something?: Unfortunately, I cant afford that either. You can write or email me though!
What talents, skills, access, resources, contacts, money do you have to offer?: I'm an artist, and I like to think big. I can offer building skills and ideas that would "make a scene", puppets, live painting, willingness to visibly demonstrate -- a la the yippie crowd...

I am sick of doing nothing and want to do something about all of this! I am sick of being denied my "inanaeliable rights" of clean water, air and food! I don't know who to contact in my area, but I have always had a great admiration for EarthFirst! Please get in touch with me... it may take awhile for me to get back in touch because my internet access is sporatic (only through work, and I temp, so...) Anyway, thanks for the information, and all my best wishes to you! Keep on fighting the good fight! Nicole

Claire Bear - 12/17/98 17:07:36
My Email:cm95@cornell.edu
Phone: Sorry, no can do.
Contact address: 318 Park Place Ithaca NY 14850
Area of Ecocide which freaks you out the most: Deforestation (If current rates continue, there will be NO rainforests by the year 2030!!!:o) Water and air pollution, extintion, EVERYTHING!
So what are you gonna do about it? Everything I damn well can!
What are you trying to find out/ Who do you want to reach? Send me info., rantss, articles, etc... for my upcoming issue on the environment in my zine Morning Mists, due out in the spring. Send stuff soon, anybody! I'll advertise as well.
Want someone to call you collect to discuss something? Ah, no thanks. That wouldn't do. Write to me instead!
What talents, skills, access, resources, contacts, money do you have to offer? A zine and a brain!

Only one person has signed this guestbook since I last did, which was over a month ago. This depresses me greatly. What is up with this? Does no one visit this awesome and informitive web site? Does no one care about our dieing earth? I sure as hell do, a d it frustrates the heck out of me when othere people don't give a damn!!! I read in the news recently that a survey was conducted and the results showed that most people in america are not concerned with environmental protection. They are MORE concerned with the worlds economy and the fricken Clinton/Lewinski scandal!! It makes me sick!!! Does it not make you sick? If it does, write to me (318 Park Pl. Ithaca, NY 14850) and tell me all about your frustrations. Send me any articles, stories, poems, artwor , or ads for your group/organization that has to do with saving this fragile earth we are killing quite rapidly (the extintion rate is at it's highest level since the dinosoars got killed!!!:o) and I will most definately print it in an up comeing issue of my zine Morning MIsts!!! Send stuff asap! You can recieve the copy when it comes out for just $1 and a stamp (to cover reproducing fees and postage) Please write soon. If we work togethere we just may beable to save this PLANET BEFORE ITS TOOO LATE!

alex grovenstein - 11/18/98 15:23:59
My Email:gsi13957@gsaix.gasou.edu
Phone: yea right!
Contact address: you wish!
Area of Ecocide which freaks you out the most: Timber Industry

I am a big supporter of the Timber Industry here in Georgia who says that you guys are right, Earth first! Because we can log the other planets later!

Claire Stoschek - 11/16/98 15:38:56
Contact address: 318 Park Pl. Ithaca NY 14850
So what are you gonna do about it? I donno! It's so scary to think about. But I think I'll first try to get the word out, and then perhaps start my own group????
What are you trying to find out/ Who do you want to reach? I would love it if you could send me some information that I could print in my zine.
What talents, skills, access, resources, contacts, money do you have to offer? I can advertise in my zine and write letters.

Keep working! We gotta save this planet before the human race goes extinct. We really WILL go extinct soon, if we don't open up our eyes and save this amazing planet! It disgusts me that NOBODY knows what terrible things are happening to our Mother Earth. I bet only 1% of everyone on the earth knows that about an acre of rainforrest is being cut down every SECOND!! It's sick how fast we're using up this earth! I swear, there will be nothing left for our great-great-grandchildren!! It makes me SO MAD that n one cares, that no one even KNOWS! We HAVE get the word out, and we have to get MOVING because we really don't have much time! I'm only 13, but I'M VERY concerned about our earth. I've been thinking for a while now that I might want to start some kind of enviormental group for kids, but it's tough! I publish my own zine that goes out to over 30 people around the country. If you'd like to advertise in it, I'd let you do so for free, because I CARE ABOUT THIS EARTH!!!! KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK! AND KEEP FIGHT NG FOR OUR FUTURE, NO MATTER HOW STUPID AND IGNORENT SOME PEOPLE MAY GET!!!! WE GOTTA SAVE THIS PLANET, AND WE'RE GONNA START TODAY!!!!!!!

KP Rajesh - 10/13/98 13:47:35
My Email:rajesh@unical.ac.in
Contact address: Department of Botany, Calicut Univeristy, Kerala 673 635, India.
Area of Ecocide which freaks you out the most: Destruction of Wetlands, Laterite hillocks of Kerala, Destruction of pristine forests of Western Ghats
What are you trying to find out/ Who do you want to reach? Julia Hills
Want someone to call you collect to discuss something? Let her know my best Wishes
What talents, skills, access, resources, contacts, money do you have to offer? All moral support

Hello Earth Firsters!!!! I wish Earth First and Julia Hills all success in your strike. I am also working with a NGO-Society for EnvironmentalEducatiion in Kerala (SEEK). Conveying our warm and strong support for your venture. KP Rajesh

katey culver - 10/12/98 16:50:38
My Email:pplanet@aol.com
Contact address: 912 Acklen Ave Nashville TN
Area of Ecocide which freaks you out the most: pops, deforestation, & on & on
So what are you gonna do about it? i, along with my husband, conduct natural building workshops, i sell tree-free paper, we are active in the forest movement, write political songs, gather in community for healing and action
What are you trying to find out/ Who do you want to reach? like-minded folk
Want someone to call you collect to discuss something? if you want to talk about natural building and how that fits into the sustainable puzzle
What talents, skills, access, resources, contacts, money do you have to offer? lots of most, some of a couple, not much $

thanks for keeping the lines open!

Robert T. Nanninga - 09/30/98 16:09:17
My Email:observations@home.com
Contact address: !1928 Leucadia Scenic Ct Encintas Ca. 92024
Area of Ecocide which freaks you out the most: Sprawl and Loss of Biodiversity
So what are you gonna do about it? I am An Environmental journalist
What are you trying to find out/ Who do you want to reach? I trying to reach those who are working to embrace the media and use it to further our goals.
Want someone to call you collect to discuss something? Yes
What talents, skills, access, resources, contacts, money do you have to offer? I am a well connected activist in San Diego County. I am an entertaining speaker who knows how to usethe media to provide a voice for the Biotic community.

I believe it is time for the environmental community to stop viewing The media as the enemy. We must train an army of media savvy activists to place them selves on Americas airwaves in an effort to shift the conversation away from current paradigm of grr d and property rights.

Alan Forster - 09/29/98 23:31:13
My Email:a.forster@clear.net.nz
Phone:64 07 8439067
Contact address: 33 Bruce Ave
Area of Ecocide which freaks you out the most: Land,air,water,socio
So what are you gonna do about it? Try harder

We have formed a small group called the Environmental Information Exchange to be a forum for local and nation eco efforts including contacts,eco products,stagegies policy representation actions etc etc Like your site. keep in touch.

Richard Lewis - 09/28/98 22:15:07
My URL:support@ens-news.com
My Email:206-542-1356 or 1-888-764-NEWS
Contact address: 17530 10th Ave. NW, Shoreline, WA, 98177
Area of Ecocide which freaks you out the most: Water and Air Pollution
So what are you gonna do about it?: Write News Stories
What are you trying to find out/ Who do you want to reach?: People who can give me quotes
Want someone to call you collect to discuss something?: use the toll free number
What talents, skills, access, resources, contacts, money do you have to offer?: I publish on the web

Check out the web site at http://www.ens-news.com

Richard - 09/28/98 22:14:02
My Email:206-542-1356 or 1-888-764-NEWS
Contact address: 17530 10th Ave. NW, Shoreline, WA, 98177
Area of Ecocide which freaks you out the most: Water and Air Pollution
So what are you gonna do about it?: Write News Stories
What are you trying to find out/ Who do you want to reach?: People who can give me quotes
Want someone to call you collect to discuss something?: use the toll free number
What talents, skills, access, resources, contacts, money do you have to offer?: I publish on the web

Check out the web site at http://www.ens-news.com

JC White Eagle - 09/25/98 01:15:20
My URL:earthfirst_UpperTN@juno.com
Area of Ecocide which freaks you out the most: everydamn thing
So what are you gonna do about it?: kick ass


JC White Eagle - 09/22/98 06:02:28
My URL:earthfirst_UpperTN@juno.com
Contact address: 1902 Westgate Drive
Area of Ecocide which freaks you out the most: massive logging and real-estate agents
So what are you gonna do about it?: Give em' hell. ;)
What talents, skills, access, resources, contacts, money do you have to offer?: medic

Just checking into your site. We would really like to use some pictures you guys might have on Gypsy and post them on our site. www.geocities.com/rainforest/canopy/7395 Come by and visit. Holding out on the East Coast, JC

Eric Zwerling - 09/19/98 14:52:46
My Email:732-932-8065
Contact address: Students for Environmental Awareness, Rutgers University, Cook College Center, New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Area of Ecocide which freaks you out the most: Deforestation, global climate change, population pressures
So what are you gonna do about it?: I founded SEA at UGA in 1984, Rutgers 1987, and now educate the students at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
What are you trying to find out/ Who do you want to reach?: I wanted to find the address for Earth First! Direct Action Fund, to disseminate the addres through our e-mail tree. I also wanted up to date info about the David Chain murder.
Want someone to call you collect to discuss something?: e-mail will do.
What talents, skills, access, resources, contacts, money do you have to offer?: Why do you think I was looking for the EF! Direct Action Fund address??

The tragedy of David Chain's murder can be a catalyst to show the rest of the country what PL is really all about. Today's NYTimes carried the lie that the loggers didn't know he was in the woods : "The logging crew did not see anyone in the area and did ot know Mr. Chain was nearby, said John Campbell, President of Pacific Lumber, based in Scotia." (NYT 9/19/98, A16, NY Metro Late Edition). This lie must be exposed, widely. If you really have video of Chain and the loggers interracting an hour before his murder, then you have the 'smoking gun'. Were it not for Campbell's lie, this could be called a regrettable accident. However, now he is engaged in a coverup and obstruction of justice (sound familiar?) Requests: 1) Please keep your website updated on thi issue. 2) post all EF! addresses on your website. 3) Exploit the newsworthiness of Chain's muder just as aggressively as PL would have done if one of their loggers had been hurt by that actions of an activist. Be well, stay focused. The check's in the mail.

Mass EF! - 09/19/98 03:04:44
My Email:oakvale@aol.com
My Email:
Contact address: POB 35, Montague,MA 01351
Area of Ecocide which freaks you out the most: third planet from the sun
So what are you gonna do about it?: kick ass
What are you trying to find out/ Who do you want to reach?: The Creator
Want someone to call you collect to discuss something?: hell no
What talents, skills, access, resources, contacts, money do you have to offer?: Mass info/media

nice site. somethin' new? how long will it take to save the Earth?

Charlotte Zoe Walker - 09/18/98 16:40:41
My Email:walkercz@oneonta.edu
My Email:607-783-2278
Contact address: SUNY, Oneonta, NY 13820
Area of Ecocide which freaks you out the most: chemical pollution, deforestation
So what are you gonna do about it? speak about it in my environmental lit. classes
What are you trying to find out/ Who do you want to reach? I'm upset about the death of the young Earth First activist, want to know more
What talents, skills, access, resources, contacts, money do you have to offer?: mainly college teaching, writing

Next semester I will be teaching a new literature course called "Women and Nature," which will discuss ecofeminism and other issues. I'd like to show the Julia Butterfly video, and if your people are on the road and also wish to talk to my class, I thoug t we could discuss it. If I can't get college funds for the engagement, we could certainly ask an admission fee or pass the hat. Class meets from late Jan. to early May at SUNY Oneonta, in upstate NY. (4 hours from NYC) I can also just buy a copy of the video, though. Many thanks! Charlotte Zoe Walker,Professor of English and Women's Studies, SUNY Oneonta, Oneonta, NY 13820

Dix Edmiston - 09/18/98 13:10:12
My Email:CyborgN540@aol.com


Eco-Action - 09/18/98 12:16:26
My Email:eco-action@geocities.com
Contact address: POB 16075, St Paul, MN 55116
Area of Ecocide which freaks you out the most: Corporate Greed
So what are you gonna do about it?: Fight

Visit Eco-Action: www.geocities.com/~eco-action News and updates on: Minnehaha Free State (Minneapolis Road Blockade in 40th day) World Wide EF! Contact List

Thuja Cascadia - 09/10/98 03:59:27
My Email:Thujac@hotmail.com
My Email:Ha!
Contact address: not likely
Area of Ecocide which freaks you out the most: sol 3
So what are you gonna do about it?: go to prison probably
What are you trying to find out/ Who do you want to reach?: webpage maintainer
Want someone to call you collect to discuss something?: goddess no!
What talents, skills, access, resources, contacts, money do you have to offer?: money? whats that?

Y'all should trade links with acacia at vines/6712/ seriously

Jed Hoover - 08/17/98 01:59:31
My Email:jedhoover@hotmail.com
Contact address: e-mail
Area of Ecocide which freaks you out the most: Earth
So what are you gonna do about it? I'm looking to publish some writing in the mainstream that wouldn't normally make the cut do to Dairy Queen reality.
What are you trying to find out/ Who do you want to reach? A guy that goes by the name of "Abe" when interviewed for small town papers. Mainly what I'm looking for is some information on CSU studies/role through Humbolt State that are especially asty in regards to the Headwater campaign. I saw a text with such information some months ago, but foolishly erased it in a desperate act of paranoia.
Want someone to call you collect to discuss something? E-mail me. I sound a lot smarter in writing.
What talents, skills, access, resources, contacts, money do you have to offer? A mainstream publication that may or may not be the property of a University/Academic Gladiator Farm. I believe that I can compose a theoretical mine that will attract a large amount of media attention, so if there is some bit of info that would do a lot of damage in this venue please contact me. If you're a good writer I'll get you published. Fame and fortune generally follow closely behind. Plus I'll include three uper Lotto tickets with each bit published.

It was very pleasant seeing some of you again, and meeting others for the first time. Abe, you're a brilliant man and will be king some day. I hope you'll be able to send me some writing. Molly, some times communication works on other levels far above words. You got some power in you. It shows real guts to take the facist-pepper-swab. Drop me a line when you're not looking over the book racks.

J.P. Couch - 06/29/98 16:24:06
My Email:nimrod99@bellatlantic.net
Area of Ecocide which freaks you out the most: Cutting area trees/no same replanting
So what are you gonna do about it? Need area/state contact personoact person
What are you trying to find out/ Who do you want to reach? local contact
Want someone to call you collect to discuss something? Yes,if necessary
What talents, skills, access, resources, contacts, money do you have to offer? Internet access, writing skills, telephone skills, skilled photographer


Kara Townsend - 06/27/98 05:25:27
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com

Hi! I saw your site and thought it was great. I know how difficult it is to keep a quality site. Good Job! Let me know if you want to exchange links :)

*STRIDER* - 05/17/98 08:41:06
My Email:rc@vom.com
My URL:http://fornits.com/renegade
So what are you gonna do about it? yelp lotz !!!

OOPZ !!! this is the correct link... sorrie

*STRIDER* - 05/17/98 08:41:21
My Email:rc@vom.com
My URL:http://fornits.com/renegade
Contact address: Rob's Place: www.vom.com/rc/home.htm
Area of Ecocide which freaks you out the most: unknown thresholds
So what are you gonna do about it? yelp lotz !!!
What are you trying to find out/ Who do you want to reach? wat we r doin....
Want someone to call you collect to discuss something? will b in touch
What talents, skills, access, resources, contacts, money do you have to offer? not money.... but lotz uv time

well keep up the good work hope to see you in August - chek out the articles on /RENEGADE/ sometime - search on "forest" or "climate" or "whale" or something.... http://fornits.com/renegade PEACE !!!!

Bryan Hyden (aka spirit) - 05/14/98 02:00:02
My Email:spiritwear@msn.com
Contact address: 15151 nw 99th st suite A, Alachua FL 32615
Area of Ecocide which freaks you out the most: overpop, lanfills, nuclear waste, deforrestation, unethical treatment of animals. somebody stop me! (or ,better yet, somebody stop IT!)
So what are you gonna do about it? Write to you guys and wait for orders :)
What are you trying to find out/ Who do you want to reach? trying to find out what's going on. what can be done. how organized are we REALLY?!?! I wan't to reach anyone who cares, who I think deep down is most of us.
Want someone to call you collect to discuss something? Hey, I'm not made of money! :)
What talents, skills, access, resources, contacts, money do you have to offer? I'm a pretty damned good writer, if i do say so meself. I've had an environmental ethics class in college recently, so I'm somewhat informed. I guess i have as many c ntacts as i can find on the internet. money's coming hopefully.

I've got PLENTY more to say, but not here. Hopefully I'll be able to get some more writing out. I sent you guys an e-mail at that e-mail address listed on this page, so maybe we'll be talking soon. Okay, now i've went and done it!!! :)

Rick Childs - 03/17/98 22:20:01
My Email:rchilds@ix.netcom.com
Area of Ecocide which freaks you out the most: Any rainforest or ocean
So what are you gonna do about it? When I have the $, you'll hear from me
What are you trying to find out/ Who do you want to reach? I know who to call
Want someone to call you collect to discuss something? If it's you Andy, anytime
What talents, skills, access, resources, contacts, money do you have to offer? 35mm snapshooter, info fetcher

Anyone who's already seen Titanic and is contemplating seeing it again, send your ticket money to this organization instead. Looking forward to seeing some eco JPEGs here soon.

Dennis Fritzinger - 03/02/98 17:42:20


Sharon & James - 02/12/98 20:33:11

Maybe you should design web pages? They both look professional.

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