Postal address: 14-1-8 Chkalava Str., Viciebsk 210022 BELARUS
Tel/fax: 375(212)96-21-89 /for SKREBNIOW/
Legal status: Viciebsk YMCA is a branch of YMCA International, member of Council of Belarusan YMCAs. Viciebsk YMCA is a registered legal entity with the right to open and operate ruble and hard currency bank accounts.
Registration: March 11, 1998; registration # 0169
Events organized in 1998 and planned for 1999:
One more seminar on legal issues for young people (done);
A series of talks and lectures on foreign countries
- Japan (done)
- The U.S.A. (done)
- Italy (done)
- France (done)
- Germany (done)
- Sweden (planned for 1999)
- Switzerland (done)
- Poland (planned for 1999);
English language contest for ordinary schools of Viciebsk (done)