Hi, welcome to my little corner of the web.   A very small corner.  I have some photos taken over the years that i've scanned,....and a few links to some sites i've liked or found useful.  There's also some pictures of our recent roadtrip to Montreal to see Dave Matthews.

On Nov 24th 1999, my son Liam Reid was born,...he gets his own web page.

Who am I?   Well i'm just a guy from Halifax.  I'm originally from a little town in Nova Scotia called Stellarton but Halifax is home these days.   For the geographically impaired, I've provided a map of Canada and Nova Scotia.  Halifax is a beautiful city as you can see from these pictures.

I suppose i should tell you a little about me,..well not much to tell,..or that i want to tell you. happyface.jpg (1174 bytes) I like to play soccer when i can.  soccerball.jpg (1242 bytes)And becoming   "one" with a frisbee on a calm summer day is nirvana.  frisbee.jpg (1877 bytes) My favorite area to hike is along the coast outside of Halifax around Chebucto Head and Duncan's Cove, as well as McNab's Island.  Nothing like the ocean!!    My musical influences these days are Phish and the Dave Matthews Band.  And that's about it for now.waving.jpg (2504 bytes)

In August 2000, Halifax was a port of call for the Tall Ships, here's some pics i've collected.

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since March 22/02

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Some Pictures from my trip to Korea
 May 2001

Here's something I wrote for my
Grandmother's funeral a few years ago.

Links     Photos     Liam     Korea

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