Ric's Home Page

Ric's Home Page

E-Mail: rmr@charter.net

Hello this is Ric's home page. I hope you like my little home on the web. It is me and my daughter now. It is amazing how a six year old can help you through hard times.


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Personal Page
Pics of Family and friends.

Mikki's page 1.
Mikki's Page. Birth to 2 months, She was born 2/11/00 and was 2 lbs 10.6 ozs.

Mikki's page 2.
Mikki's Page. Up to her 2nd birthday, Our sweetheart.

Mikki's page 3.
Mikki's Page. 2 and up, Growing so fast.

Rhonda's page.
Rhonda's Page. In Loving Memory

Matthews Page.
Matthews Page. Our Angel, he died 8 days after birth.

Color Codes
Color codes for web pages.
