DRAFT weed indentification and control sheets

Select a link from those given below to download the ZIP format of the DOC file.

  1. Cinnamomum camphora - Camphor laurel (284 kilobytes)
  2. Ligustrum species - Privets (371 kilobytes)
  3. Ochna serrulata - Ochna, Mickey Mouse plant (143 kilobytes)
  4. Ricinus communis - Castor oil plant (218 kilobytes)
  5. Exotic Erythrina species - Coral Trees (176 kilobytes)
  6. Rivina humilis - Coralberry (203 kilobytes)
  7. Exotic Senna species - Golden Showers, cassias, sennas (248 kilobytes)
  8. Psidium guajava - Guava (286 kilobytes)
  9. Celtis sinensis, C. occidentalis, C. australe - Hackberries, Elms (384 kilobytes)
  10. Lantana species - Lantana (341 kilobytes)
  11. Solanum mauritianum - Tobacco bush (292 kilobytes)
  12. Lonicera species - Honeysuckles (253 kilobytes)
  13. Syagrus (Arecastrum) romazoffianum - Queen or Cocos Palm (105 kilobytes)
  14. Macfadyena unguis-cati - Cats-claw creeper (260 kilobytes)
  15. Passiflora edulis, P. mollissima, P. suberosa and P. subpeltata - Exotic passionflowers and passionfruits (237 kilobytes)
  16. Solanum seaforthianum and S. jasminoides - Climbing nightshades (285 kilobytes)
  17. Cardiospermum species - Balloon vines (318 kilobytes)
  18. Anredera cordifolia - Jalap, Madeira vine, lambs tails (151 kilobytes)
  19. Araujia sericiflora - Cruel vine, poison choko, milk vine (204 kilobytes)
  20. Olea europaea varieties - Olives, wild olives (70 kilobytes)
  21. Schefflera actinophylla - Umbrella tree (58 kilobytes)
  22. Arundinella, Bambusa and Phyllostachys species - Bamboos (7 kilobytes) - Guess which one doesn't have imagery!
  23. Ipomoea cairica, I. indica, I. alba - Exotic morning glories (131 kilobytes)
  24. Caesalpinia decapetala - Thorny poinciana (600 kilobytes)
  25. Coffea arabica - Coffee, Arabian Coffee (91 kilobytes)

© 1999 Greg Steenbeeke. 1