a self organising ownness and identity

The rhytm of the development of this city will be determined by our ability  to understand  these ideas.


la soberana
by aguila

no law says that a masterplan may not be changed

communicatie en research.......
-----------undoing the extraordinary determination of the ownness of our planet by  Sirius,
taking into account the governing magnetic  influence of the earth nucleus on material and spiritual levels,
--------- spiritual and corporal ergonomy - , this means:
not adapting things too much so that enough curiosity and creative impulses keep existing ---------
------------perspective turned towards the inside, swung to real until in the far universe----------
------------------the  perspective of the stars ----------------
------------dynamic stability and an equilibrium of tensions -----------
------------observing the utmost importance of the emptiness between matter,
which forms energy layers for the multidimensions------------
-------------self sufficient and  ecological---------


---------cosmopolitical and  energetically self sufficient-----------
----------relations at any level with the whole world ---------
-----------functioning on a normal ethical, human way-----------
------------time, rhytm of decay and reconstruction based on modified
concepts on housing, foreseen on small areas----------
------------no extension is foreseen, only adaptations and modifications ----------

blue: sea water and desalted water 
A  -  oasis 
B  -  salt production 
C  -  agriculture 
D  -  desalination of the sea water 
E  -  city 
F  -  recreational area
       beach,  sports, golf,  horses etc. 
G -  harbour 
L  -  light houses 
I   -  desert 
J   -  ocean 
K -  soft water supply

section      a-b


© 1998-2003 All rights reserved                                                             Last updated 17.01.2003