The people of the ephemeral states, micronations,
microstates, virtual nations.
Activities are not territory based, it is a part of the world ot the micronations. Many people, many businessmen, students, journalists, teachers and others are interested and appealed by these different thoughts and ways of social economical experience. The phenomenon of the micronations - states and virtual nations is being expressed by their longing to give form to their inner and outer sovereignty and to experience it in a social and economically surveyable and proper, reckognizable system in a world of unity through diversity, rejecting the world dominion of Big Brother. A spiritual, humanitary world nation in diversity. It would be nice if through the Internet or any other medium, there would be contacts between these nations and Lasoberana in view of communicative contacts and/or partnership/cooperation, cultural exchange on philosophical, social or any other level. Are you interested? Just send your message to Lasoberana |
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