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Sociology Survey and Research Site

Welcome visitors
My name is David Wilkinson and I am currently working on a Master's Thesis in Sociology at Pittsburg State University in Pittsburg Kansas. The subject of my Thesis is the Internet and social change broadly. More specifically I am interested in the thesis of Informational Capitalism and how the Internet by virtue of its capacity as a means of production is a form of access to the forces of production by the masses. I would like to use this site as a location to publish my writings on the Net and solicit commentary. I welcome your comment which you can email. I am concerned with whether or not the Internet will create another layer of social inequality or be a medium in which social equality is increased. This is dependent upon Internet accesibility regardless of race, gender and class. Please let me know your thought on this and as well I would appreciate information about other web sites which address these issues.

David H. Wilkinson BGS

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The Internet and Conflict Theory
Internet Usage Among Women and The Race Variable

Thinking About Web Search Engines And Other Things

Technologies of Globalization: Using the Masters' Tools

Markers of Facist Potential in the United States


Center for the Study of the On-Line Community WebSoc and Cybersociology "Internet for Sociologists"
Indiana State University/School of Library and Info Science Julian Dierkes Sociology Links at Princeton
American Sociological Association WWW Pages
Selected Sociology and Demography Resources
WWW Resources for Sociologists Sociological Methodology Journal
Annual Review of Sociology Western Washington University Sociology Dept. Social Informatics
Teaching Social Issues of Computing Mid-South Sociological Association

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