Welcome visitors
My name is David Wilkinson and I am currently working on a
Master's Thesis in Sociology at Pittsburg State University in
Pittsburg Kansas. The subject of my Thesis is the Internet
and social change broadly. More specifically I am interested in the thesis of Informational Capitalism and how the Internet by virtue of its capacity as a means of production is a form of access to the forces of production by the masses. I would like to use this site as a
location to publish my writings on the Net and solicit
commentary. I welcome your comment which you can email.
I am concerned with whether or not the Internet will create
another layer of social inequality or be a medium in which
social equality is increased. This is dependent upon
Internet accesibility regardless of race, gender and class.
Please let me know your thought on this and as well I
would appreciate information about other web sites which
address these issues.
David H. Wilkinson BGS*©1996 *©1997 *©1998 *©1999 *©2000