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DISCLAIMER: Please be advised that the owners of this page have no control over contents of any outside Web pages linked to this site. If you are offended by the contents of any of those Internet sites take it up with their owners - we cannot be held responsible for the material they offer! Also read the following universal disclaimer.

This is one of the views of St.Petersburg, Russia - great city where both of us were born and spent most of the first 29 years of our lives. If you'd like to see other pictures of our hometown, click here.

GISMETEO: weather in St.Petersburg, Russia Also visit the WWW sites of St.Petersburg University: link #1 or link #2, its Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics, and St.Petersburg Web (in English).

Aren't these guys fun? If you want to know how to get your own FREE (sic!) Web page, go take a look at GeoCities .

After that, to find out how to write HTML pages, put your graphics, tables, scripts and other stuff in there, read one of the HTML guides; two links are provided right here:

  • HTML Tutorial from Maricopa Center
  • HTML Beginner's Guide

    You can also find lots and lots of links to Web tutorials and graphics libraries on Brandeis University Internet Services.

    To find something on the Web use shortcuts to some well-known search engines.

    Take a look at some cool and useful links.

    Log on to PTC Secure Web site.

    Read our short CVs.

    All of our numerous music files are now gathered into one tight little package. So if you want to see our full CD collection, look thru regular and mp3 compilations, check out some music links or read a small list of our favorite albums/groups with some brief reviews, then go on to DF-ES Music Files.

    Here is our Sci-Fi book collection: its English part and its Russian part.

    If you are interested in math problem solving check out DF's problem of the month or you can go to DF's library page. Better yet visit DF's Mathematical Contests page.

    For those who want to follow MathCircle sessions look no further. You are just one click away from MathCircle homepage!

    Behold our small but sophisticated collection of intellectual and not so intellectual humor.

    Here is how to get to our place once you are in Greater Boston area: map and directions.

    This is link to Dmitri Fomin's auto page.

    This is link to Dmitri Fomin's table tennis page.

    Check out these simple financial calculators.

    Wanna see what can be done using Javascript? Here is a page that has a very funny "Running" Clock for your amusement. Mind you, there is some other stuff there as well... check it out. I would gladly provide you my own page with the same "Running" Clock but it seems that Geocities somehow doesn't allow me to execute that particular piece of JS code here. If I manage to defeat this problem, you'll get your wish.

    Here is a link to Russian Guide To United States project. This will hopefully provide helpful information and Web resources for new immigrants/workers from former Soviet republics who speak/read Russian and want to adjust to their new life without major problems, embarrasment, or harm.

    Download DFcoder - very compact and versatile utility that can encode/convert text files using any conversion table you provide (Eight tables are included; for example: Russian DOS text --> Russian Win text, Russian ALT-coding --> Russian KOI-8 coding, and others). For those who use platforms other than PC source file is included.

    Reach us by email:
    f o m i n [at] h o t m a i l . c o m
    d f o m i n [at] p t c . c o m
    e s m a g i n a [at] y a h o o . c o m