This is a bunch of questions that you can answer if you want. I don't care.

Please explain why you are a valuable member of society in one character: (Do not hit return unless you want to)

I told you not to hit return. How do you expect to get ahead in life if you don't listen?

1) How old are you?

I do not understand english
Are you a spy?
who told you you could ask questions?
1 year old
yes, I do understand english

2) Please select the correct answer

3) How often do you visit my page?

not even once
i do not have time to visit your page
next month I will do it
Once per year
hold on, lemme take of my socks so i can count

5) If you were a tree, would you

6) When a politicina says "Drugs are bad", they mean:

Thank god, my son is not a Mexican. White people don't do drugs.
After the first 1000 times you may get a bad one.
Sex with minors is NOT ok, Drugs ARE bad.
Drugs are good
I, a citizen of the United States of America, hereby give up my right to be an informed voter. So help you god.

7) Now that you have taken this test, how do you feel??

Horrified, yet horny
Strangely unfulfilled. I was hoping for a sexual encounter with a clam in the ocean, however I find myself spending way too much time on the internet. Neverless the I hear the gentle waves calling me. I must go.
My dog is drooling
Somebody set us up the bomb! Move zig! For great justice!
I feel like you look.
This survey is teh win!

Any Comments you'd like to add? And listen, you weirdos. You waste your time filling out all the other stupid choices, so go ahead and type in here. What are you? Trained to press buttons but not to type in boxes? Monkeys. Stupid Stupid Monkies.

NOTE: Hitting "Send" will take you to a screen called "index.html": my home page. This will also send an email to me with your answers.
I will be sure to look at it very very carefully.
No matter what you do please do not put your measurements in here.

Here are some mexicans on drugs:

Drugs are bad. Mmmmkay?