These pictures are from a Live Steam Engine Club in Holliston, MA.
Evidently these people come from all over the east coast and Canada to these meets.

The pictures! (~160kb each)

locomotive on cleaning and assembly cicrular hub
Eustis 1 inch scale locomotive on main raised track
Boston to Maine locomotive on raised maintenance track
locomotive on main raised track
green locomotive on main raised track
locomotive on main raised line being cleaned
A.V. & B. locomotive on main raised track
how they get the coal in
1.5 inch scale locomotive of club president on cleaning and assembly circular hub
side view of 1.5 inch scale locomotive of club president
very old style locomotive on main 1.5 inch scale track
locomotive on main 1.5 inch scale track


The scale part refers to x inches being the same as 1 foot in real life.

Club features:

There are 3 sizes of tracks; 3/4 inch scale, 1 inch scale, and 1.5 inch scale.
There are two tracks;
The 3/4 inch and 1 inch tracks coexist on the raised track.
The 1.5 inch track is on the ground.

There is a circular hydraulic train loading area where the trains are rolled
from the back of people's cars onto a hydraulic lifted track which is then
lowered and turned to move the trains onto the appropriate
maintennance/cleaning and assembly tracks.

There is another rotating hydraulic lift which connects the circular cleaning
and assembly hub stations.

There is a water and coal loading tower.

People like to give rides!.

Interesting facts:

A locomotive can typically pull upto twice it's weight.

A typical weight for the 1 inchers is 300 pounds.

There is a steam 1.5 incher that weighs 1500 pounds. It is 8 feet long.

The one inchers cost around 15,000 assembled.
The 1.5 steam one inchers can cost 35,000 assembled (8 foot one is 65,000).
I suspect the cost to make it yourself is substantially lower.

A one incher can run for about 4 hours before it needs to be cleaned (pipes, oil, etc).
Evidently real engines suffered from the same problem but it took
them a lot longer to get into this condition.

A lot of peope on the 1.5 inch track put together these lawmower or battery
powered type boxes and ride around on them. Really funny :)
The raised 1 and 3/4 inch track is mainly for the more serious people.