Gosh! It's been a long time. I last up-dated here 5 years ago!

So much has happened.

The Free Beach association of NSW was finally disbanded, (December, 2004) after 13 years of good work.

Since constructing this page I was the Vice president of the FBAofNSW, as well as webmaster and newsletter editor.

Just as the FBAofNSW finished, the Naturist Lifestyle Party (NSW) came along.

I am its president. If you live in NSW and vote, please!!!! join us!


I am now looking after the website of the River Island Nature Retreat. Pleased to do it. Have been going there at intervals, for the last 13 years.

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Swim night

Sydney Sun and Social Club


FBA Members have long weekend at River Island

This was the beginning of the Free Beach Association of NSW. Now disbanded.

This is how it COULD be in August 2001 -City-to-Surf.

The idea of nude runners -City-to-Bondi, 2001, came from TAN magazine

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