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Monmouth County's BLS Providers

Aberdeen Allenhurst Allentown Asbury Park FD Atlantic Highlands Avon-By-The Sea
Belmar Bradley Beach Brielle Colts Neck Deal Eatontown
Elberon Englishtown-Manalapan Fair Haven Fairview Farmingdale-Howell Fort Monmouth FD
Freehold Hamilton Hazlet Highlands Holmdel Howell
Keansburg FD Jersey Coast Hatzolah Keyport Leonardo Lincroft Little Silver
Long Branch Manasquan Marlboro Matawan Middletown Millstone
Monmouth Beach Morganville Neptune Neptune City Oakhurst Ocean Grove
Oceanport Port Monmouth Ramtown Red Bank Roosevelt Rumson
Sea Bright Shark River Hills Shrewsbury South Aberdeen South Belmar Spring Lake
Tinton Falls - North Tinton Falls - South Union Beach Wall Community Wall Twp Wanamassa
West Long Branch

Ocean County's BLS Providers

Brick Brick Community Dover-Brick Beach East Dover Great Bay Regional
Hatzolah Herbertsville Island Heights Jackson Lakehurst
Lakewood EMS Lavalette Manchester New Egypt Ortley Beach
Pleasant Plains Point Boro Point Pleasant Beach Silverton Six Flags GA
South Toms River Tri-Boro Whiting

Private Emergency Medical Services

Alert MONOC-BLS Maximum Care Rural-Metro

"Theme from ER"

This site is dedicated to the groups of individuals that staff the BLS ambulances that respond to the call for help. These individuals, most of whom are volunteers to their respected units come out all hours of the day in all types of weather conditions to provide a valuable service to their communities. Without this generosity, many of the calls for medical emergencies would go unanswered. If you are an officer of any of the above EMS Units and you would like to have your site enhanced with graphics and text information. Please contact me at the following e-mail address and I will e-mail you a questionnaire which can be filed with info and stats on your unit.

Any suggestions or comments please contact

"Help Find these Children"

"To find out more about the missing children. Click on the child's face."

Click for Red Bank, New Jersey Forecast

As of the above update, all links are active. Please note that on any given day or time the "Server" providing the above listed sites may be off-line and you may be unable to access their site. Every effort will be made to insure that all links are active, but in the event that a site becomes hard to access due to excessive down-time. It will be removed and another site placed in it's location.

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Last updated on April 1st, 2005 at 1200

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