Feel up above your shoulders, . . . . .
There under your skull, . . . . You will find. . . .
T h e   R e s u r r e c t i o n   M a c h i n e
The next moment that you experience will be produced by the most sophisticated piece of machinery in the known universe. The Brain.
It is happening right now, your brain is resurrecting you constantly. We are pulled along by these moments, and have no choice in this affair except to experience them one after another. Consciousness is an "ongoing process" that makes us seem to move through time and this phenomenon drags us along with it. There are billions of these resurrection machines functioning at this time. There seems to be no scarcity of these kinds of devices here on Earth.




Public Library
Could we build a machine which could resurrect everyone that has ever lived? Can we create an artificial human brain? Can we learn how to extend human life? If the self is a pattern can it be duplicated. Will it be the same self? Does our particular self depend on this body, or for that matter, this time? If we gain the ability to live for 1000's of years, what will we do with all of this time? What about cryonics? How about plain old news? Why are we here, what is life and why must we die? These are the questions that have disturbed us since we were first able to ask them. What is being and what is the soul are equally problematical statements which we struggle with from youth until old age. Did we evolve from inorganic chemicles, through the evolutionary process or did a god or external entities create us, are the kinds of questions that can override common sense, when asked. --------------------
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