Death is in the background during our entire lives. We can learn to hide from it or appear to accept it but one thing is for certain, we have had to learn these concepts.
It seems our cultures have evolved a sort of escape method which allows this inevitable and cruel end to rest in the back of our minds, nearly invisible in our day to day experience.
We have learned to live within a set of contradictions comfortably. We have life to live but it will end. Life is good but it is short. Life goes on...without us..
So we have learned to ignore death well even making this a sociable trait. We wrap our methods and traditiond around these aquired thought processes.
Occaisionally these are not enough to help us avoid what is coming for us end-DEATH..
Death is not good. Besides helping clean out the old so nature can try on the there really any way to show how death is of value? Animals kill each other for a days food...could anyone have enough nerve to claim that this is good. How do we learn such values?
What would an argument sound like that actully made the assertion that all of this death is a good thing? Good for who or what? Anyone who supports all this suffering in nature should ask themselve just why this is good and right. As in blind justice could these persons design a world like this if they did not know which role they would play - preditor or prey?
If we could learn of a way to stop animals from harming one another and still let them lead full lives why would this be a good or bad course to follow. If we could resurrect ourselves would we be fools to decide against such a wonderful discovery? Are we so blinded by our learned need to die that we would stop ourselves from living on if we figured out how to make technologies that would allow us to do so? Maybe from whats gone before we just cannot think about these issues clearly, an effort to fair consideration will be required.
Like with everything else that we learn, as we grow, this concept of death is pushed into our heads at an early age. What can we do though since at this point and up until now there has not been a solution. We progress through a predictable set of stages and finnaly, at a certain age, we come to believe that death is good and needed. Its all around.
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