You could be stuck alive for a very long Time with no way to die.
Any attempt to die will, of course, be blunted. If it turns out that you are required to establish history you may not have a choice in the matter.
Get it together so that you won't come into the next life kicking and screaming like when you were born.
It will be much better if we all are prepared for this possibility. No matter though, because it would only take a relatively short time to get used to eternal life, anyway.
The real question is what will we do with all of that time. When we have done everything that there is to do, over thousands of years, will we be able to, temporarily forget, and live through these experiences as if they were the first time.
Suppose that there has been a series of Big Bngs and then Big Crunches going on forever.
A giant explosion and a 100 billion year period where matter spreads out and then cannot reach escape velocity and begins to move back in towards itself again.
If all possible beings can occur in each Cycle all it would take in each cycle would be at least one intelligent species to discover how to create all possible beings.
Even further, suppose that we humans are a small subset of all possible beings and that every possible life course each of us could live were known and mapped out. We could play our lives like movies and any way that they could happen.
Because all possible beings going through all possible life courses exist in the possibility space that allowed these versions of our selves to exist this time, any creatures that create all possible beings resulting from matter could know of our history on this planet.
All possible beings may not yet exist in this cycle. We may not have actually been born yet during this 100 billion year cycle. When born we will have at our access all possible ways each of us could happen and hence "this" history. It may be hard to get a method for determining which history happened since there are so many possible ways it all could have come out.
No matter how many times we are brought back and destroyed there is no escape from life unless all life forms spread around this universe are eliminated. 100 billion years is plenty of time for organizations of matter to evolve the ability to create all possible beings, given the right kind of planetary conditions.
When intelligence begins to evole rapidly on it's own we may go through a 1000 deaths before we can ride out the final billons of years in peace before the next Crunch....
These higher than human Devices may war with each other...
Whatever catastrophe you can imagine is NULL....(temporary)...we may be born again and again and may have existed forever but have not yet gained our memories in this particular cycle.....

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