| Humans will never be able to resurect
themselves. |
I take it that you undrstand completely how it is
that we are existing now sincs that proposition
entails such. |
| Listen, to say that I have to know how it is that we are in order to consider the future is ludicrous. |
The statement only sounded that way as if you were an expert on these affairs. |
I understand that the number of components and their hiearchy of interactions is something that humans -cannot- figure out !! |
Then it is impossible that I exist now? |
| No. A human could not make you
exist. |
Right, I forgot, it takes two humans to cause me
to exist. |
| This is not even a rational
conversation since you are not taking what I say
seriously. |
How so? |
| Two humans cause a process to begin
that is responsible for something a human could not
perform. |
Then all that I would need to do is get this
-process- down and then cause it to unfold? |
| As far as human reproduction is
concerned. |
Then you don't think that it will be possible to
learn how to simulate this process? |
| No! Even though we start this process
during the sexual act, we will -never- be able to
understand it or control it. |
Embryologists seem to understand the basis and
genetisists even alter the process while in action by
giving drugs to alter known developemental
problems. |
| They don't know enough about these
processes to simulate them. |
Artificial Life programs have simulated the
embryological process of certain plants and inscects,
down to each cell and it's movement and interaction
with other cells around them. |
| Not the same. Plants and inscects are
at a simpler level of complexity than humans and
higher animals. |
If we don't know these processes now, well enough
to simulate them, then how long will this situation
persist? |
You can predict that far into the future? |
| No! I am saying that a human can never
learn how to create and control all of the steps
required for human consciousness. |
Then if we can create some sort of machine that
can understand all of these things, then we could
make it create humans? |
| How would you create a machine that
performs actions that could not be concieved by the
builders? |
Isn't this what we do when we plant a seed
or move a herd of farm animals? Even a dog has got
that one down. |
| Again you twist my meanings. If we
cannot create this process, how could we create a
machine that could do so? |
Maybe we could build a machine that could build
the machine which could then build us. |
| All that you think you have to do to
slip out of the arguments is add another layer. Who
do you think you are? |
Socrates |
| I will have to at least concede that
machines could change my position but still contend
that we could not figure these things out
ourselves. |
You and I have come about by a developemental
process where matter is configured in a way that
allows our consciousness to proceed as usual. Our
nervous systems are relatively small when compared
with many of the objects around us. Even though there
are tens of trillions of nerve cells what really is
going to stop us from creating a perfect replica of
these objects? |