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Software & Hardware
These terms are borrowed from computer jargon. For simplicity, hardware would be like a piano ready to be played and software would be like the particular tunes that could be played during each setting.
States That Represent Something
The keys present on the piano are sufficient to play about any tune. They need the fingers to hit them in a meaningful way (they need to be programed). The music moves along in measures and each could be considered like a frame on a roll of film running through a projector.
Nothing Needed But the Keys
A state is attained when a tune is played efficiently. A state that can only be had with the keys present on the keyboard. In this way the music coming from the piano represent -'internal changes-' happening to the piano.
Nature and nuture
How much are we born with and how much can we change by learning things during our liftimes? Each nerve cell changes shape and conductivity when stimulated but how much can they be changed? Are we really free?
Nature and Nuture at the Same Time
It is a mixed economy, of course, with determined cell shape etc... and culture's ability to influence their growth, both having a limit to how much change can take place within these cells.
Differences of Degrees and Kinds
Within the realm of nature and nuture there is a pool of different types of experiences that can be had. We are different to some degree but we are still all the same kind. The variability is simply the set of personalities that can exist and they all form from the influnces of perception and cognition.
How Many Posibilities Are There?
The only real difference between us is our location within these possible, but limited, number of possible personalities. FINITE SET, it has a limited number of possibilities, even if the niumber of those possibilities is very large.
Simular organs:
We can talk about how different our fingerprints or facial features are but their is a degree of similarity. They are recognized as either fingers or faces.
Similar Sense of Being:
We cannot be that different, since we pretty much eat the same foods, attend to simullar bodily needs, and recieve the same kind of medical attention. Most things that we can do other's can also do and their description of these events will not be that different from our own description.
Same self with different memories:
We wonder what it is like to be another when in reality we are wondering what it would be like to have the same memories as the other. If the only difference between us, in reality, are our experiences and memories of experiences, then how different are we. Could we be considered all the same self looking at the world from different positions and memories of these positions?
Rearange Your Nerve Cells
If I rearanged your nerve cells like mine would you not only have the same memories as me but the same sense of being? Which parts of the brain am I? The parts of the brain that recognize that I am existing right now or those parts of the brain that are actually causing me to exist right now?
All Same Self With Different Memories
Each of us the same self but with different memories. Each person's unique sense of self may arise from the rearrangement of nerve cells during hers or his past experiences.
Self Awareness Taking Over Everything
Our memories playing on this basic self give the illussion of possession of this self. We think it is us. We take this self and act like we are the only one who has it.

We delude ourselves into thinking that the parts of the brain that perform this absurd phenomenon (doing the thinking above) are not the same cells that are producing the actual phenomenon.

Difference Between Us
We are trained from youth on to consider the events that we live through as somehow giving us a different shape and personaluty than others around us. If the only difference between me and you is a few genetic variations and a different arrangement of nerve cells, fron memory formation of different events, then it is not proper to say that we are that different.
The Human Gene Pool and other pools
Each species has a gene pool and variations within it are considered as the same species. If all the human types in our gene pool were mapped out and understood, would we still think that these differences are so great? Again we are participants in a Finite Set of possibilities and therefore, given enough time, we could figure out how many types there are within the human Gene Pool.
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