Harold L. Burstyn
216 Bradford Parkway, Syracuse, NY 13224-1767
   Telephone (315) 445-0620, Email: burstynh@iname.com
   5 High Street, Woods Hole, MA 02543-1221
   Telephone (508) 548-0201
Current Positions:
Patent Attorney (private practice)
Adjunct Professor of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
115 Link Hall, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY 13244-1240
Telephone (315) 443-4375 Facsimile (315) 443-2583
(I retired 3 April 2001 as Patent Attorney, Office of the Staff Judge Advocate 
Air Force Research Laboratory, Rome, New York)
Professional Qualifications:
Attorney & Counselor at Law, New York & Florida, 1988  
Registered Patent Attorney, 1989
Harvard College, A.B. magna cum laude in History and Science, 1951  
U.C.L.A., M.S. in Oceanography, 1957  
Harvard University, Ph.D. in History of Science, 1964  
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, J.D., 1987
"Using Computers in the IBM Case: an Interview with Thomas D. Barr," J. C. Tredennick, ed., Winning with Computers: Trial Practice in the 21st     Century (Part 1, ABA, 1991), 191-93; Editor's Introduction to Sec. 5:   "Presenting Your Case at Trial," Id. at 305; "English Lawyers Communicate Electronically," Id. (Part 2, ABA, 1993) at 114; "Now Lawyers Can Dictate to Their Computers," Id. at 125; Editor's Introduction to Sec. 5: "Toward the Future: Project Management, Risk Analysis, and Expert Systems" Id. at 163.  
"CAFC Panel Creates New Test for Equivalents,"
9 PTC Newsletter #3 (ABA, 1991)  
"Electronic Transfer Catches On,"
13 National Law Journal #13 (1990), 26, 29  
"RTM and the Worm that Ate Internet,"
92 Harvard Magazine #5 (May/June 1990)  
"Computer Whiz Guilty,"
ABA Journal (April 1990)  
"Copyright, Piracy, and the Practical Navigators,"
47 Mariner's Mirror (1961)  
Over 50 Non-Legal Publications
Phi Beta Kappa, Alpha of Massachusetts, 1951  
Fulbright Scholarship to The Netherlands, 1951-52  
Honor Graduate, U. S. Naval Justice School, 1954  
U. S. National Science Foundation Pre- and Postdoctoral Fellowship, 1959-62, 1965-66  
Henry & Ida Schuman Prize of the History of Science Society, 1960
U. S. Air Force, Outstanding Civilian Career Service Award, 200
Professional Affiliations:
American and New York State Bar Associations  
The Florida Bar  
American Association for the Advancement of Science  
Computer Law Association  
American Intellectual Property Law Association  
Federal Bar Association  
Government Patent Lawyers Association
Central New York Patent Law Associatio
For pictures of my family, see my son Daniel's web site:

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