
The Book Shelf

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  1. Metallvergiftungen

  2. Daunderer 1995
    ISBN 3609637005
    DM 98

  3. Kliniche Toxikologie der Gegengifte [1987]

  4. Daunderer
    ISBN 360963720X
    DM 128

  5. Mercury Poisoning from Dental Amalgam- a Hazard to Human Brain

  6. Patrick Stortebecker,MD,Phd
    Foundation for Research
    Stockholm, Sweden
    ISBN 0-941011-01-1

  7. Beyond Amalgam

  8. The Hidden Health Hazard Posed By Jawbone Cavitations
    Christopher John Hussar DDS, DO
    [dangers of cavitations and root canals; Bob Jones; Boyd Haley]
    $11.95 +shipping
    Power of One Publishing, Winter Haven, FL

  9. Cavitations Plus Quarterly

  10. is no longer in print, but back issues are available
    Attn: Susan Stockton
    88 Ridge Avenue
    Winter Haven, FL. 33880

  11. Brain Allergies / The Psychonutrient Connection

  12. Philpott M.D. & Kalita Ph.D.
    Keats Pub. ISBN 0-87983-426-9 (800) 858-7014

  13. Prescription for Nutrional Healing

  14. 2nd edition
    James F. Balch, MD & Phyllis A. Balch, CNC

  15. The Key to Ultimate Health

  16. [info. on dental tools and materials]
    Dr. Richard T. Hansen, D.M.D., FACAD and Ellen Brown, J.D.
    $23.95 from Advanced Health Research Press, 1943 Sunnycrest Drive Suite 183, Fullerton, CA 92835

  17. The Mercury In Your Mouth

  18. The Truth About "Silver" Dental Fillings
    Quicksilver Associates
    Quicksilver Press, 10 E. 87 St., N.Y. N.Y. 10128
    (800) 423-6722

  19. Mercury Free

  20. Dr James E Hardy
    Access Publishers Network

  21. The GSH Phenomenon

  22. Alan H Pressman DC PhD CCN
    1997 St Martins Press NY

  23. Books on Dentistry, Mercury and Dental Amalgam

  24. BioProbe
    Books, Video and Audio Tapes

  25. It's All In Your Head

  26. Hal A Huggins DDS MS

  27. Root Canal Cover-up

  28. George E Meining DDS FACD FICD

  29. Tooth Truth

  30. Frank J Jerome DDS

  31. Bypassing Bypass

  32. Elmer Cranton MD

  33. Coors Video

  34. Hal A Huggins DDS MS

  35. Amalgam

  36. Daunderer
    ISBN 3-609-63490-1

  37. The Riddle of Illness

  38. Stephen E Langer / James F Scheer
    1995 Keats Publishing ISBN: 0879836679

  39. The Metal Syndrome

  40. H. Richard Casdorph and Morton Walker

  41. And The Waters Turned To Blood

  42. Rodney Barker
    Simon & Schuster

  43. Atlas of Oral Medicine Second Edition

  44. William R Tydesley
    Priory Lodge Education Ltd 1994,1995,1996

  45. Power Aging

  46. Ted L Edwards Jr MD

  47. The Basic Health Library

  48. T. C. Fry

  49. Natures First Law

  50. Arlin, Dini, Wolfe

  51. Engineering Electromagnetic Compatibility

  52. V P Kodali
    1996 IEEE Press

  53. A Brief History of Everything

  54. Ken Wilbur
    1996 Shambala Publications

  55. Knot Theory and Its Applications

  56. Kunio Murasugi
    1996 BirkhSuser Boston ISBN: 0-8176-3817-2

  57. The Healing of Cancer

  58. BarryLynes
    1989 1990 1995 Marcus Books Canada ISBN:0-919951-44-9

  59. Poison in the Mouth

  60. BBC TV Panorama Documetary
    1994 July llth Transcript BBC-1

  61. Measure for Measure

  62. Thomas Levenson
    1994 Simon & Schuster NY

  63. Natures Web

  64. Peter Marshall
    1994 Paragon House NY

  65. The Norton History of Chemistry

  66. William H Brock
    1993 W.W. Norton & Company Inc NY

  67. Electrical Engineering Handbook

  68. R C Dorf
    1993 CRC Press

  69. Confessions of a Camikaze Cowboy

  70. Dirk Benedict
    1991 Avery Pub Group

  71. Newton's Madness

  72. Harold L MD Klawans
    1990 Harper & Row NY

  73. The Cure for All Diseases

  74. Hulda Regehr Clark Ph.D. ND
    ISBN 1-89--35-01-7

  75. Electromagnetic Man

  76. Dr Cyril Smith
    1989 St Martin's Press ISBN: 0-312-03730-9

  77. The Body Electric

  78. Dr Robert Becker & Gary Seldon
    1985 William Morrow & Company Inc NY

  79. The Golden Path

  80. Richard B Lyttle
    1984 The Free Press NY

  81. Mercury

  82. Montague, Katherine and Peter
    1971 Sierra Club SF NY

  83. The Persecution and Trial of Gaston Naessens

  84. The True Story of the Efforts to Suppress an Alternative Treatment
    for Cancer, AIDS, and Other Immunologically Based Diseases.
    Christopher Bird

    In Association with Amazon.com


introduction micromercurialism research notices harmonics HgRing