1995 1996 1997

A 'model' of ions and water near a charged surface

Dental amalgam and Mercury research
Advantages of NAC

select Factors affecting internal mercury burdens among eastern German children.
select Methly mercury in dental amalgams in the human mouth.
select Localized cellular inflammatory responses to subcutaneously implanted dental mercury.
select Microleakage of amalgam alloys: an update.
select Mutagenesis of AS52 cells by low concentrations of lead(II) and mercury(II).
select Resistance of the normal human microflora to mercury and antimicrobials after exposure to mercury from dental amalgam fillings.
select Total and inorganic mercury in breast milk in relation to fish consumption and amalgam in lactating women.
select Amalgam-associated oral lichenoid reactions. Clinical and histologic changes after removal of amalgam fillings.
select The relevance and effect of amalgam replacement in subjects with oral lichenoid reactions.
select Psychological and somatic subjective symptoms as a result of dermatological patch testing with metallic mercury and phenyl mercuric acetate.
select Mercury-specific lymphocytes: an indication of mercury allergy in man.
select Metal Profiles in 25 Patients with Long-Term Illness.
select A pilot study of the effect of low level exposure to mercury on the health of dental surgeons.
select Oral lichenoid lesions caused by allergy to mercury in amalgam fillings.
select Oral lichenoid lesions, mercury hypersensitivity and combined hypersensitivity to mercury and other metals: histologically-proven reproduction of the reaction by patch testing with metal salts.
select Antimicrobial and mercury resistance in aerobic gram-negative bacilli in fecal flora among persons with and without dental amalgam fillings.
select The histopathology of oral mucosal lesions associated with amalgam or procelain-fused-to-metal restorations.
select Toxicological and neuropsychological findings in patients presenting to an environmental toxicology service.
select Mercury Poisoning in a Dentist.


Advantages of N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC)
selectThe protective effects of N-acetyl-L-cysteine against methyl mercury embryotoxicity in mice.
selectCadmium induces interleukin-8 production in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells with the concomitant generation of superoxide radicals.
selectComparative effects of repeated parenteral administration of several chelators on the distribution and excretion of cobalt.
selectRole of glutathione in nitric oxide-mediated injury to rat gastric mucosal cells.


selectThe crystal and molecular structure of (HgL2)n (L = 4,6-dimethylpyrimidine-2-thiolate)--an unusual helical supramolecular assembly in solid phase: in search of a new antidote to mercury poisoning.
selectEnhanced renal outer medullary uptake of mercury associated with uninephrectomy: implication of a luminal mechanism.
selectCerebellar atrophy in Minamata disease: comparison with spino-cerebellar degeneration on MR images.
selectAutoantibodies: diagnostic fingerprints and etiologic perplexities.
select Mercuration of vanillyl-alcohol oxidase from Penicillium simplicissimum generates inactive dimers.
select Mercuric salt-catalyzed removal of unsaturated glucuronic acid from chondroitinase-treated proteochondroitin sulfate.
select Genetically modified Escherichia coli for colorimetric detection of inorganic and organic Hg compounds.
select Utilization of renal slices to evaluate the efficacy of chelating agents for removing mercury from the kidney.
select Thiol compounds inhibit mercury-induced immunological and immunopathological alterations in susceptible mice.
select Heavy-metal-responsive genes in maize: identification and comparison of their expression upon various forms of abiotic stress.
select Aquaporin-1 in plasma membrane and caveolae provides mercury-sensitive water channels across lung endothelium.
select Localization by in situ hybridization of gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase mRNA expression in rat kidney following acute methylmercury treatment.
select Regulation of the operon responsible for broad-spectrum mercury resistance in Streptomyces lividans 1326.
select Apoptotic process of cerebellar degeneration in experimental methylmercury intoxication of rats.
select Effects of methyl mercury on cytokines, inflammation and virus clearance in a common infection (coxsackie B3 myocarditis).
select In vitro and in vivo effects of lead, methyl mercury and mercury on inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate and 1,3,4,5-tetrakisphospate receptor bindings in rat brain.
select Hepatotoxic effects of SH-reagents in human and rat hepatocyte cultures and in situ perfused rat livers.
select Influence of dietry protein levels on the acute toxicity of methylmercury in mice.
select Mercury content in the gallstones and bile of Thai people (Chiang Mai and Bangkok) and Japanese.
select Chronic elemental mercury intoxication: neuropsychological follow-up case study.
select Two differentially expressed genes in normal human prostate tissue and in carcinoma.
select The mitochondrial oxoglutarate carrier: sulfhydryl reagents bind to cysteine-184, and this interaction is enhanced by substrate binding.
select Overexpression of MerT, the mercuric ion transport protein of transposon Tn501, and genetic selection of mercury hypersensitivity mutations.
select Induction of renin release from isolated glomeruli by inorganic mercury(II)
select Methyl mercury pharmacokinetics in man: a reevaluation.
select Histochemical localization of autometallographically detectable mercury in tissues of the immune system from mice exposed to mercuric chloride.
select Changes in oxygen consumption and biochemical composition of the marine fouling dreissinid bivalve Mytilopsis sallei (Recluz) exposed to mercury.
select Induction of methallothionen mRNA and protein in murine astrocyte cultures.
select Motor neuron uptake of low dose inorganic mercury.
select Mutagenesis of AS52 cells by low concentrations of lead(II) and mercury(II).
select Interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) and IL-4 expressed during mercury-induced membranous nephropathy are toxic for cultured podocytes.
select Nitric oxide contributes to tissue injury in mercuric chloride-induced autoimmunity.
select Systemic autoimmunity due to mercury vapor exposure in genetically susceptible mice: dose-response studies.
select Pathological changes in the Brown Norway rat cerebellum after mercury vapour exposure.
select Four genes, two ends, and a res region are involved in transposition of Tn5053: a paradigm for a novel family of transposons carrying either a mer operon or an integron.
select Role of mercury (Hg) in resistant infections & effective treatment of Chlamydia trachomatis and Herpes family viral infections (and potential treatment for cancer) by removing localized Hg deposits with Chinese parsley and delivering effective antibiotics using various drug uptake enhancement methods.
select Effects of parental occupational exposure to lead and other metals on spontaneous abortion.


introduction micromercurialism books notices harmonics HgRing