from Laurence E. Drake
Please feel free to download any of the utilities or software I have presented on this page.
Edit Clipboard Text (EdtClpBd) is a utility to modify the text currently on the clipboard. Edit clipboard has three primary functions. 1) To trim (remove) the leading and trailing spaces from the text strings. 2) Optionally Prepend / Prefix a text string to the text on the Clipboard. 3) Optionally Append / Postfix a text string to the text on the Clipboard. Example usage: Frequently I copy multiple lines of text from one source file to be placed in another. In the course often there are spaces either before or after the cut/copied lines and I want the spaces removed. With a click or two the spaces are removed (trimmed) and I paste as usual. |
Make A Name (MkANam) is a utility to assist in the creation of standardized names for variables and or objects. It works by pre-pending a short text string to the variable name. MkAName is driven by a text file (control file that you create!!!) that contains the text description and short string substitute values. For example if we determine that all "string" variable should be prefixed with "str" then entering the variable name "MyVar" in the Name edit box (edit control) and selecting "string" as the type would yield "strMyVar". I used the example of a string but the utility can be used for other types as well. I know I could type the information but, since I like to point and click cut and paste and the utility helps me maintain consistency the utility serves me well. |
Batch It (BatchIt) is a utility to execute a command over a batch (a group) of files or execute multiple commands. In my daily work I have found that there are multiple times a day that I must apply a command or a series of commands to a group of files (ie moving files/programs from one machine to another, moving source into revision control etc.). To assist me I created BatchIt to allow me to drag and drop files/programs and select a command to operate on the dropped files. |
Comming Soon!!!
Text Browser (Browser) a utility to assist me in quick copy and paste of frequently used text.
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